de:Patch 2020 en:Patch 2020 es:Patch 2020 fr:Patch 2020 ru:Patch 2020
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) : fr:Patch 2020
Notes: Translation EN done on the March 14th. (Dorothée, 2020-03-19)

What's up in Patch 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 back to User Manual.


Big changes

Written by the contributors of the wiki.

For the diggers

Prospecting and extracting mission materials (here at the modification of a stanza) images (for now in French)

On storylines

See the rumours uncovered:

  1. J (opens the mission log) then OPEN THE MISSION BOOKLET
  2. A new window appears, with on the left the sections: Storyline, Achievements (or yubo points), Daily missions, and Puzzle. By default, you'll see the Daily Missions.
  3. in storyline, click on the link to the right of "Learn more about recent events" (see image below, for now in French)

All images are under Category:Storyline (code [[Category:Storyline]] to add in the summary).

On Daily missions

A change in February 2020: Target location for fighter and combat missions. More on [Patch] Daily missions (2019-12-02)

On the forum, Fyrosfreddy has created several interesting posts, named Guide to Broken / Possibly Broken Missions (spoilers ?):


From the Official announces.

Patch 00791 - 2020/02/19

A much lighter package

A client, data and server patch and a restart of the game server are planned on February 19th, 2020 in order to implement the following additions and fixes [1]:


Improvements & bug fixes:

Patch791-Npc icons.png
Patch791-Npc icons2.png



Patch791-Season2 prologue window.png

This new option will open dialogs that will give you information sometimes useful, sometimes false or forgivable.

The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!

Ryzom Team

Patch 00803 - 2020/03/19

A much lighter package

Patch 803 Client v8726 / Data v1921 - Server v1297 / Data v3999, 2020-03-19 [2]


Improvements & bug fixes



Tykus: A bug blocking a mission if an NPC is politely asked a question about rumors during the dialogue about it;
Moniq: This issue was generally fixed, however some badly coded missions might still cause you troubles. It was not possible to test all missions so please:
Try to avoid asking for rumors while you also fulfilling a mission for the same NPC (generally, when you already have another conversation bubble opened with the NPC).
In case you get to a situation you are unable to continue with a mission (due a missing option, for example), re-log your character (or restart your client) and let us know about such mission


--CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (talk) January 2020 (UTC)


See also

Don't hesitate to contact support in case of need.

  1. Forum:

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