en:Use the map
fr:Utiliser la carte
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Moniq, 2020-05-28)

See in the User Manual, the sections Maps and compas.



Since May 2019, addition of an Events icon

From left to right: Back (to navigate in maps), ; zoom + ; zoom - ; center the map (on your position, useful after a big fast zoom) ; ? to search  ; Dynamic Event
Below: IG hour and date[1] ; climatic conditions (important for drilling).

The map

You can open/close the map with m or using the toolbar - not to be confused with the compass or radar (you can retrieve an existing landmark on your map and add it to the compass).

To use target: either after a macro, or after a tar (ex: /tar "harmful ragus"), space bar = in front of you (see all keyboard shortcuts by holding K down)


Backup your files: quit game, and zip your folder save (check the date, to be sure it's the right one [2]) :p Your personal landmarks are held in a .xml file - named "landmarks_nameoftoon.xml" in the save folder.

To merge 2 files:

  1. quit the game, then
  2. copy the lines between <interface_config> into target file and
  3. relaunch the game. it will merge duplicate <landmarks continent> lines and remove duplicate markers.

If you want to share landmarks between characters on same computer, then rename landmarks file to shared_landmarks.xml

shared_keys.xml (to share macros with several toons) and shared_interface.icfg exists aswell


In May 2019: JY 2603 patch

to Atys and its Map with links to regions

  1. More on Time ; in order to add IRL time to compass or in chat, search in U.
  2. On GNU/linux, it could be ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0/save
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