Use the map

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de:Gebrauch der Karte
en:Use the map
fr:Utiliser la carte
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2023-06-25)

This is a Map FAQ:
Event on map with link to forum
  • I noticed that many young people did not see "Back" (and do not have access to the map of the New Lands of Atys). :)
  • In addition, the maximum number of markers has been modified, research and events are new features....
  • a Patch (in March 2020) added a command, to hide/show landmarks: /showHideUserLandMark (more on Special command and you can use it in macros).
  • the toolbar has been improved: a dynamic events icon has been added, search in flags, filters.... Silan has a detailed map of the Ranger camp Patch 916-921 (2022)...
Detailed map of Silan Ranger Camp

For new comers, start with the User Manual, the sections Maps and compas.

The map's toolbar

From left to right (3 lines): Since Sept 2022, addition of an Filter icon
Back (to navigate in maps), ; zoom + ; zoom - ; center the map (on your position, useful after a big fast zoom) ; ? to search ; Filters on your Landmarks (new in JA 2620) ; DE icon (see below #Dynamic Event)
Below: IG hour and date[1] ; climatic conditions (or cc, important for Harvesting).

The map - basics

You can open/close the map with m or using the toolbar - not to be confused with the compass or radar (you can retrieve an existing landmark on your map and add it to the compass).

CTRL+M open map in big.

  • The map (M) has 3 zooms. To change the view, or use the scroll mouse on map, and/or clic on a town to see its map.
  • To add to compass a direction: right clic on the compass, you'll see a menu (target, Missions, Mark, animal, team... and a zoom for the compass).
To use target: either after a macro, or after a tar (ex: /tar "harmful ragus"), space bar = in front of you (see all keyboard shortcuts by holding K down)
  • category:Starting Out as a lot of nice stuff for beginners.
  • In-game landmarks (or flags) are saved in a landmarks_hominname.xml file, which is stored in the save folder - more at Ryzom location.

The map - FAQ

Now, every homin is invited to improve this Great Library[2].
Back after an absence? What's new in 2023 to 2018... summarize the game's changes (with links).
  • Mektoubs/Gubani and Zig are shown on the map, but not your apartment or GH (add a mark on tour map). More on Mektoub FAQ
  • Team members appear on the map (8 max). Not his friends (F) nor guild or league members.
  • We see the resurrection points (rez points) only for the active subcontinent (the one where we are).
  • You can now see the distance by right-clicking on the map.
  • The landmarks on the map are stored in a landmarks_toonname.xml file, located in a save folder (which is basically under a 0 or 1 folder).
  • a Patch (in March 2020) added a command, to hide/show player landmarks: /showHideUserLandMark (more on Special command).
  • Now you can access Dynamic Events (Kiting invasion, puzzles, Storyline's Nexus Events...)
  • The map take too much space on your screen (13")?
    • use the 4 desktops (very often F3 is "less loaded")
    • maintain the Fx key is very usefull, with x=1 to 4 (for ex, to add a 2nd "hand" toolbar)
  • Since 2022 (Patch 00895): CTRL+M switches the map from reduced mode to full screen. Zoom levels on the map (M) are now independent of those on the full-screen map (Ctrl+M), since Patch 00916.
  • See also Macros
    Macro to search the map for a landmark

Dynamic Event

Dynamic Event: since JA2603 (June 2019), a blue Events button has been added to the map toolbar (1 in the image below). This blue Events button makes a transparent layer appear/disappear on top of the map, which is useless if there is no event in progress . This layer has a red and white button in its upper right part (2 on the image), which is inactive if there is no DE.

If a DE is in progress, then it is displayed on the map (in orange in the map toolbar: 1 Dynamic Events + a big blue dot on the map) and you can also keep a separate window open to monitor it.

Open the DE window and close the DE layer and the map.

More on Dynamic Event.


Backup your files: quit game, and zip your folder save (check the date, to be sure it's the right one [3]) :p Your personal landmarks are held in a .xml file - named "landmarks_nameoftoon.xml" in the save folder.

To merge 2 files:

  1. quit the game, then
  2. copy the lines between <interface_config> into target file and
  3. relaunch the game. it will merge duplicate <landmarks continent> lines and remove duplicate markers.

If you want to share landmarks between characters on same computer, then rename landmarks file to shared_landmarks.xml

More on Ryzom location.


  • shared_keys.xml (to share macros with several toons) and shared_interface.icfg exists as well
  • On Various applications, for windows you'll find information about a windows software (from Fluffy Bunnies) to export your landmarks into an excel sheet, import, and more...

Persistent Map zoom level


For example, if your landmarks_<char>.xml looks like:

 <landmarks continent="testroom" type="user"/>
 <landmarks continent="tryker" type="user" zoom="6">
   <landmark type="29" x="16658.34" y="-31713.11" title="Kami N"/>

then, change it to:

 <landmarks continent="testroom" type="user"/>
 <landmarks continent="tryker" type="user" zoom="6">
   <landmark type="29" x="16658.34" y="-31713.11" title="Kami N"/>
if(!element.attributes.zoom) zoom = 1 else try { zoom = int(element.attributes.zoom) except zoom = 1 }


Last version 2023-06-25•
  1. Jump up More on Time ; in order to add IRL time to compass or in chat, search in U.
  2. Jump up Any homin has write access to wikis, by logging in with the account password. There have been a number of patches recently, and librarians are having trouble keeping up...
  3. Jump up On GNU/linux, it could be ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0/save