New Lands

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de:Neue Lande
en:New Lands
es:Nuevas Tierras
fr:Nouvelles Terres
ru:Новые земли
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-09-05)

The New Lands are all the areas of Atys known to us today.

Atys' geography distinguishes two areas of the planet: the Old Lands (there is no precise map at this moment) and the New Lands.

Following the Great Swarming of 2481 the Old Lands were abandoned by the homins, who now occupy the New Lands as we know them (2483). The New Lands consist of a continent and islands (two are currently known and occupied: Silan and the Nexus Minor). The continent of the New Lands is divided into four sub-continents, delimited by 'natural' borders, which roughly correspond to the political borders claimed by the nations: Aeden Aqueous, the Burning Desert, Witherings and the Verdant Heights. It is important not to confuse geographical, ecological and political divisions, which sometimes cover very different realities.
Indeed, tribes and bandits occupy the regions. Some of the tribes are rebellious towards the dominant authority in the region, or even towards any authority, and can be aggressive towards the traveller passing through. Furthermore, sub-continents or even regions may include several different ecosystems.

The only old lands region currently accessible is Almati Wood.

New and Old Lands are still linked by the Oflovak Road, the original path discovered by the great explorer Oflovak Rydon[1].

Bark Areas



Prime Roots

Super regions



  • click a region to go there
WitheringsAeden AqueousNexus MinorVerdant HeightsAbyss of IchorUnder SpringBurning DesertWastelandsLands of UmbraAtysmap.jpg

See also

Last version 2021-09-05•