Under Construction Panel.png !!!! WIP !!!! Under Construction Panel.png
There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Craftjenn on 14.07.2020.

Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-07-14)

About searching features on wikis, and how find stuff on wikis. Not about Help on the game (rather see this note [1]).

This page assumes (basically) that the official help has been read. Nevertheless, the official help is less specific than our wikis (from various imports of earlier wikis - including Forge).

Reminder: for the record, we have here


Various tips and links

other OCC tips

Official forum

On top, there's several very handy links:

Important tips about wiki search

EN search on wiki 2020-04-05.png
simple search is very partial, because it don't use all name spaces

Advanced search's forms on the wikis

More on the namespaces :

Portals and categories

Portals show you some selected pages (see down page the main portals).

Categories are at the heart of how wikis work, they should be seen as tags.
Categories are displayed at the bottom of pages.

You can add several categories to one of your pages, so that it can be easily found.

More on french wiki fr:Chercher et trouver.


Game update (resume) on this wiki, using Category:Updates

On the official forum:

Searching with Google

🇬🇧 Wiki search is quite weak... 🇫🇷 La recherche du wiki laisse à désirer... 🇫🇷 Advanced search tips, with Goo (for Google)

An ex with zora in several wikis
wiki FR Wiki EN Common Wiki search
197 results 121 results 17 results all ns 4 pages (then in wiki code) and

only the main ns 2 pages (then in wiki code)

On the other hand: you can't search with * (as with wiki search). Previously, Goo search with magi used to search for all words beginning with magi (magic, magical, magics etc), but not anymore :(


To search for images on common: 2 ex, with zora:



ex with zora About 1,030 results because after the forum the results are presented on wikis.

  1. No regular expressions in our wikis. E.g., intitle:/[éèe]/v* returns nothing. Worse: we have a problem with accents... Search because they have installed an extension!
  2. The 6 wikis (URLs starting with en, fr, de, es, ru or atys - e.g. is the Spanish wiki) use the same code (media wiki, in PHP) and 6 separate databases.
  3. The user pages (also called profiles because they present their bio etc.) start with User:AnHomin on the EN wiki, Utilisateur:AnHomin on the FR wiki... An ex: User:Dorothée,
  4. The COMMON wiki is in English because common to all 5 wikis, its URL starts, and hosts the files. A table of the main categories is at atys:Main_Page or using categories under atys:Category:Encyclopatys).
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