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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) : Events 2022 : This is the reference text.
Notes: This is an english-only Page (Leda, 2023-10-06)
This is a part of Ryzom Team Activity 2022 Report
2022 Events
<span style=color:green> Seasonal_Events </span>
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Date: From April 8th 19:00:00 UTC to , 20 April 20th 08:00:00 UTC
Description: Refugee Day is here with its traditional hunts. ..
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Date: April 6th, 19:00:00 UTC
Description: The Chamber of the Nobles gathers in the Royal Palace. ..
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Date: April 2nd, 19:00:00 UTC
Description: The «Marché des Petits» collective organizes its market on Fairhaven beach. ..
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Date: March 25 to April 24, 2022.
Description: Role-playing has always been one of the driving forces of Ryzom, the one we offer you through scripted events but also the one you create every day by making your characters live.
We would like to remind you that your characters are part of the life of Atys and that you can call upon the animation team to organize your own event. To do so, we invite you to participate in a scenario contest that will be richly endowed and whose winners will see their scenarios played on Atys. ..
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Date: March 27th 19:30:00 UTC
Description: The Sage Sap's inner circle is convinced that she will try again to make contact with the Antekamis tribe. Will they succeed in preventing her from being caught in the jaws of the trap? ..
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Date: March 11th 20:00:00 UTC
Description: Akilia Ash Storm challenges the Marauders to finish not only alive, but also in the lead, on a trail full of pitfalls. ..
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Date: February 27th
Description: The Kuild thinks to have found the perfect wedding gift. Now they need help catching it. ..
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Date: 13 February 20:00:00 UTC
Description: The Karan Stevano asks the Nobles and Vassals to give him their opinion on Karin Aniro's bride. He has required each of the suitors to organize her own presentation in the place of her choice. ..
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Date: 27 Janvier 20:00:00 UTC
Description: Ailan Mc'Kean, Governor of the Tryker Federation, invites the Trykers to the inauguration of the alarms set up by engineer Bill MacBill. An explanation on how they work will be given during this unveiling. ..
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Date: 2022/01/16 A hunt is organized by the Rangers to search for contaminated frippos that threaten the Ranger camp on Silan.
Description: A hunt is organized by the Rangers to search for contaminated frippos that threaten the Ranger camp on Silan. ..
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