Funny stuffs/Polygamy on Forge chat

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en:Funny stuffs/Polygamy on Forge chat
fr:Rigolades/Polygamie sur Forge
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-11-03)

The discussion can be found at, searching with on:02/03/2020

I think we had several translations issues... Lost in Translations ? LOL

The 1st question

12:15 Moniq
What do homins think about polygamy?



15:58 Craftjenn
if all are adults, not too drunk and consenting... it's ok 😛


16:03 Tryroamer
i do not agree, but that ofc does not matter
especially, since you are likely referring to ingame matters, not rl, at least i assume so
eh, i do correctly understand i hope: Polygamy is, in fact, meant, nor 'orgie' or whatever else?


<--- only considered the other possibility due to 'drunken' having been brought up
and 'consenting' ... for how could polygamy legitimately take place without that ?? [1]

16:19 Heernis vs Henuk
Moniq OK it is game-related... no Real Life... so i see no rules in any government of the four nations that forbid it explicit. Conclusion: Why not? If there is also social convention, I do not know. But i saw Homins who have 3 Hominas at least. So polygamy is not forbidden, but not accepted by all.

16:36 Tryroamer
as i mentioned, polygamy, not orgie being meant, i would tend to agree with your assessment, nevertheless, i see many complications hovering over the horizon if implemented.. thus my two cents of earlier on
i would suggest that some thought be given to the possible complications
i must, however, excuse myself, as i need to distance myself again from the keyboard, .. till later all

17:50 Zamoor
Moniq, Henuk... What about polygamie where 1 homina have 2 or more homins?
a few tribes maybe???!!!

17:53 Namcha
That would be polyandry

17:54 Zamoor

17:58 Namcha
Poly, homo, ... Players do what they want between themselves
Cultural standard is on homin for one homina, but no NPC will criticize players choices cause we don't want to slip on this

18:01 Zamoor
Just by reference... this game could be go to resemble RL too much 😃

Kitin related ?

18:32 Heernis vs Henuk, answering Namcha ("Cultural standard is on homin for one homina, but no NPC will criticize players choices cause we don't want to slip on this")
I guess it's the old path the great-great-old-homins chose. But due to the small population decimated by the Kitin invasions, it is only right that polygamy be encouraged. I'm not saying that it will change everything for the better, but that it will allow the Homin races to survive. I know that many walk in the ways of the ancients, but also want to ignite hostility between the factions again and again. I would be in favour of allowing each Homin 3 Hominas of any race in a polygamous marriage. Because it is a matter of survival. It ensures the survival and continuity of hominid races.

3 answers
  • Namcha 18:01
Cultural standard is on homin for one homina, but no NPC will criticize players choices cause we don't want to slip on this
  • Craftjenn 20:58
From Heernis 's "I would be in favour of allowing each Homin 3 Hominas of any race in a polygamous marriage. Because it is a matter of survival."
is for me a non-sense... For survival matters, it would be more logical that "1 homina can have 3 homins".
  • 21:16 Heernis

21:30 Heernis
If hominas always bear more than 1 child, then you are right 🙂

The 2nd question

18:36 Moniq
I am just asking because by those rumors it seems that there is a homin who makes proposals to any homin he met, no matter if male or female 🙂 [2]


18:44 Namcha
Heernis, no, there are not less homins than hominas
Kitins kill them without difference

Having said that, lore tells male/female rights weren't equal, depending of the nation.

19:13 Heernis vs Henuk
How do you know? Isn't it true, that Homins protect Hominas? In the end most Hominas survive and Homins die. What ever the history tells us. If the are no numbers written, it is a probably lie.

  • Craftjenn, answering Heernis "Isn't it true, that Homins protect Hominas?" -> not true !!!

19:15 Namcha
Nobody protected anyone. It was a massive flee. Kitins destroyed cities, walls, houses. You cannot say there is lack of male nowadays.
And hominas have the same potential of strength than homins
Moniq : I hope this person does not harass people !


19:21 Moniq
rumors do not say 🙂

19:21 Heernis vs Henuk
Namcha (i hope you take this not too serous. 🙂 )

Yes there was a massive flee and yes there died a lot of homins and hominas. But most things in history have to be read between the lines. Not everything is clear on Atys. There have to be census of all hominkind, then we will see who is right. 🙂

20:11 Tryroamer
a homin, a homina, a homin and a homina marry a homin and a homina, the first is Fytos, the second Matis, the third Zorai and the fourth Tryker, the two additional are Mara, the first, and Trytonist, the second, to round all off, every one of them decides to become also ranger.

unfortunately, it then turns out, that the kitins caught wind of that arrangement and declared thereupon holy war upon all of hominkind, thus to put an end to such sacrilege, so ensued the new surge of kitins upon the core and surface areas of Atys... leaving naught but underwater regions ... heretofore undeveloped for settlement ... available for escape. What a shame, that noone had in meanwhile developed a means by which to breathe or even to move underwater, let alone to dwell and normally to live there. 8( 'aus die Maus'! 8/

21:19 Dorothée, answering Moniq's 1st question
What do homins think of polyandry? 😈

  • answer of Heernis: Does not work 😛 🤣

21:34 Craftjenn
@Heernis You tried?

21:39 Moniq, answering Dorothee
I don't get it. My original question was serious.

21:40 Heernis vs Henuk
No i didn't try... @Craftjenn, but do I need to try to kiss a kincher if i know that it wont work? 😃

🧻 + 2 answers
  • 21:43 Craftjenn call me kinch !!! LOL But most of what you said was quite macho LOL You gave us a stick to laugh at you with, with such remarks.
  • 21:44 Heernis LOL it is a game... what i do IRL and think IRL is another case 😛
But it should be fun or? 😛

21:59 Heernis vs Henuk
As you can see Moniq, IRL women are immediately triggered by this topic 😃

22:10 Craftjenn
not by the topic, but by Henuk Al'Goy 's answsers... yes 🧻 [3]

22:08 Moniq
yes, but no idea what they say

22:36 Tryoamer
ok, i apologize for not getting yet more explicite up there... i mean about complications
add to the mix i painted that the thus 'married' want to retain also their privious marital ties intact, the 4x Group and the 2x pair of wedlock tied, and that the various homin(a) belong to with each other at war enemy guilds and or civs, not to mention, that the civs and or guilds involved demand sole loyalty binding, then you start to get a feel for what complications could arise (let us not forget OP and PvP etc ties and commitments as well)
...nor should we neglect to reflect upon the attendances at mandatory yet same time occuring assemblies etc.
May the Lorists among us take note
and the RP adherents

23:04 Gorias
Moniq fyros are ok with polyandry
Matis are not

23:05 Tryoamer
and what about the conflicting allegiances ?
especially during special events etc

23:07 Craftjenn, answering Gorias
where can I get that? searchin both "polyandry" or "polygamy" on english wiki -> nothing found

23:08 Tryoamer
the matter seems to me to be full of potential dynamite controversy and disonance

23:11 Craftjenn
Gorias are you in the Team Lore? Nothing on your RC profile... A troll ?

23:11 Gorias
I am
I'm not a troll I'm prettier

female and male fyros serve in military service
they are equal in fyros culture

23:19 Moniq
what you all have with polyandry?

23:21 Gorias
For the Matis, females are just uterus...

23:33 Baeline (an homina)
Oh? Then shall we burn all males?

23:34 Gorias
no ça va faire mal aux burnes

No, it's gonna hurt our nuts.

23:34 Naveruss
we shall burn all orskos!

23:34 Gorias
sorry french joke

23:34 Baeline
J'ai compris 😛
We should burn u Nave ^^

23:35 Gorias

23:36 Baeline

00:41 Dorothée, answering Heernis "If hominas always bear more than 1 child, then you are right 🙂"
If the number of hominas you can marry equals the number of child you can effectively bear...

10:20 Namcha
Matis society used to be the most phallocrat, but it started to change a lot before great swarming, under the reign of Aniro III, and again after the time spent with other civilizations in the sanctuary. Fyros society is the most equal between male and female, yet not perfect otherwise we would have seen more empresses.
Tryker society, despite praising freedom, is the one where family, a Dad and a Mum, is important.
Among Zorai, it seems males prevail the spiritual questions

Kids ?

19:10 Zamoor
Seems a complex topic... but I never seen childrens in Atys (Tryker are not children 😃 ) so what about reason for this. In fact seems homin/homina arise by spontaneous generation.

19:48 Craftjenn, absering Zamoor
Zamoor see for ex (about kids)

  • 1 answer 20:17 Zamoor
is useful in Spanish... ty.

19:49 Tryoamer
homins self-evidently 'arise' here by escaping from Kitin held other areas

19:49 Craftjenn
(I remem' a nice post on why no kids, found on forum... but I can't find it right now)

19:50 Thanks Craftjeen.

19:50 Tryoamer
since that continues to be the case to this day, so it seems just as self-evident that somewhere or other the homin(a) are being held captive for breeding under the auspices of their Kitin masters, who see to their properly breeding to assure their continued availability (slaves, food animal herds etc.)
That no breeding as such take place here has to do more with lack of Kitins' aid in such activity as also in the predisposition of the here dwelling homin(a) to each for self be busied with other matters without paying mind to having kids (career planning, for example, as in desiring to gain in all possible abilities the max levels possible therein). All that seems self-evident to me

20:00 Craftjenn
@Zamoor I found it (in French) but very interressant : on on the staging of childhood "Publishers of video games aimed at a wide audience are also careful not to allow players capable of harming children or staging abuse."

20:06 Tryoamer
thus also the 'breeding' of homin(a) only out of sight of homin(a) under the auspices of the Kitin, as covered (someday i guess it will be so) by the lore of the game

20:12 craftjenn
@Tryroamer I am not in the Lore team... but for what I know, I think you are totally wrong... See for ex fr:Yrkanis_Ier or better (cause in English) Stevano
they all have parents and kids... See ? 😁 You can even have an idea of age of homins, using the /who command (as oldiers are on top of the list) LOL

  • 1 answer, 09:47 Namcha
It gives an idea of the age of the ryzom account which the avatar belong to, altough the avatar might just be created

20:19 Zamoor
but just useful ingame XD

20:26 craftjenn
yes (I just gave some information who are in French only on the pagefr:Notes_population
this page talk about kids, age, wedding (with links to LORE pages) etc... IG and OOC

20:34 Tryoamer
but those all surely refer to the time before the swarming out of the kitin, as witness the lore written out of the perspective of the kitin themselves
oh, no, even less applicable that info is to the topic of children of the homin(a) on Atys... those statistics refer to the legendary supposed to exist humans behind the homin(a) of Atys as pertaining to their spread within the 'rl' populations of theirs

  1. Jump up Craftjenn thought "better not answer to this one"... IRL, women must accept this type of marriage because society forces them to, not because they choose to. Heernis is a guy, thinking only to guys ? LOL
    And about alcool.... For me, it is obvious you can only be fully consenting if you have a clear conscience... I guess most people don't realize that ? :(
  2. Jump up This seems to be a bisexual homin, not about polygamy or polyandry... Many people confuse the two (bisexuality and polygamy), but for me, it has nothing to do, as one can be bisexual but monogamic... But it's true that it seems that there is a homin who makes a lot of marriage proposals...
  3. Jump up Craftjenn's Note: for now, it seems to me most answers comes from homins, not hominas...