Kitin Nests

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The last editing was from Dorothée on 9.09.2020.

en:Kitin Nests
es:Nidos de Kitin
fr:Nids de Kitins
ru:Китинские гнезда
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-09-09)

The Kitins managed to keep a number of nests despite the constant efforts of most homins. Five nest are currently active, while two seem abandoned.

They also regularly try to install others, especially on the surface. So far, Homins' vigilance, as well as an international alert system succeeded in preventing any new permanent installation.

The Active Kitin Nests


Desertstock is located in Knot of Dementia region of Witherings.

Tunnel of Woe

The Tunnel of Woe opens at the north-west of Knoll of Dissent of Verdant Heights.

Underwood Woe

The Underwood Woe is in the middle of the Elusive Forest of the Lands of Umbra.

Demon's Lap

Demon's Lap infects south of Forbidden Depths in Wastelands. After the Kitin's Lair, it is the most important and dangerous of all nests

The Kitin's Lair

The biggest nest, because of it's size as well if the danger it represents, is the Kitin's Lair in the Almati Wood. It is still only partially explored.

Inactive or Abandoned Nests

Paramount Stock

    Paramount Stock, is an abandoned nest located in the Noth-East Void. It looks like an important mass that amazes by its verticality. Anyone who shows curiosity will be rewarded by the discovery of a very strange tunnel that allows you to enter the Stump and discover an astonishing place... Inside are several important resources of different kinds of ambers, the origin which is still a mystery.
    Nearby, to the south, is one of the most frequented places in Void. Warriors and mages improve their fighting or healing skills against cratchas .

Paramount Stock (Void)
The cratchas near Paramount Stock

Withered Stock

Withered Stock Grove of Umbra

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