de:Zig en:Zig es:Zig fr:Zig ru:Zig
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) : fr:Zig
Notes: Add the rename here (Dorothée, 2021-08-22)

Gubani mount, and Zig on right

Zigs are pets that are supposed to be able to follow you everywhere. They have an inventory extension.

There are three types of zigs are in game at the moment:

Important: free accounts own a Zig, but only subscribed accounts can really get the benefits of all their features.

How to get a zig?

Zig features


Object groups do not work with zigs (June 2020 and Sept. 12th, 2019).



In bag

When in your bag, a zig stays with you whatever you do, just as any other object in your bag. More, it won't die if you do, fortunately ! However, you do not have any access it's inventory (but displaying it), unless you take it out of the bag.

The bulk of zig's inventory does not reduce your bag's one, but its weight is added, so beware not to carry too heavy things (sap crystals, ammonition especially) on them or you might be unable to move (if it happens and your're lost, check your Stats window ("p" key) and find your speed... when not 100% , you are loaded too much).


Like toubs - maybe even more often than toubs? - we look for them, we don't know where they went...

Better quit near stables or near your apartment.

Better to keep it in stable or close to it or in your bag , if you don't like, as me, spend too much time to find it...

F2P or free account

As a reminder, only one mektoub (and no apartment).

Special Zig

On Silan, towards Chiang the Strong, you can see/pet Arionasis's Zig, to honour the memory of Arionasis/Teeneemai, more on the ceremony.

Notes and links

On the forum, Clarification about pets, posted on the 2021 January 17th.

Other information on this wiki

For tips and tricks on storing, sorting and moving your stuff, see the Move and organize.

A little reminder about the wild Mektoubs that you can hunt, and about the Mektoub FAQ (or anything you want to know about mektoubs - for the continent).

To the Macros.

To the Wheel of fortune and its page from Wheel of fortune/prizes.

More on Patch 2019 (Zigs were added during the JY 2603 Patch in May 2019).

Last version 2025-01-25•

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  1. subscription offers for example
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