Free Trade Agreement of 2516

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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Zorroargh, 07.06.2018
en:Free Trade Agreement of 2516
fr:Accord de Libre-échange
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2018-06-07)

In the month of Mystia of the second cycle of the Jena year of 2516, a summit was called to launch a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

The aim of the FTA was to bring down racial and territorial barriers throughout the New Lands and create a synergy among hominkind to enable the four civilizations to continue their growth. It therefore proved to be a solid foundation for building future prosperity as well as interracial understanding.

The agreement grants crafters and merchants of every nation the right to operate in serenity on an international scale independent of divergences in religious beliefs and practices.

The FTA being signed at Hoï-Cho was significant in that it marked a turning point in Zoraï history and their shedding the protectionist precepts of their forefathers. The FTA entered into force on the 1st of Winderly in the 3rd cycle of 2516, and reads as follows:


Representatives of the four peoples that constitute the homin race,

Desiring to promote international exchanges and promote race relations,

Recognizing the need for strong bonds of friendship across the homin nations,

Believing in the necessity of competitive markets to bring innovation, growth and improvement,

Believing fair commercial competition improves quality and raises standards of living,

Desiring to strengthen homin development in the face of natural adversity,

Recognizing a need to establish a network of secured intercontinental trade routes,

Recognizing the necessity to establish a base pricing system to allow homins at greater liberty in comparing items,

Appreciating the need for the exchange of techniques to better the homin chances of progress as a whole,

Have come together to agree on the following points:

Article 1: Establishment of Free Trade zone

  • 1.1 The parties affirm their equal rights to buy and sell throughout the new territories of the desert, lake lands, forest and jungle, which henceforth become a free trade zone
  • 1.2 Merchants shall respect the law of the land
  • 1.3 The parties shall ensure that the necessary measures are taken to maintain and secure trade routes for easy safe travel

Article 2: The fixing of rates

  • 2.1 A trade pool shall be established on each continent whereby all homins may propose their crafts and wares
  • 2.2 A minimum price shall be established for items placed in a pool.
  • 2.3 A common retail price shall be established within each pool to ensure an equitable system of commerce

Article 3: Rules of Origin

  • 3.1 No member shall tolerate the trade of products detrimental to another state or to the environment
  • 3.2 Goo-based products shall be strictly prohibited and each state shall make every effort to dissuade its trade and transport
  • 3.3 Every manufactured article shall bear the name or mark of its state of origin

Article 4: Customs and duties

  • 4.1 No signatory member state of the FTA shall raise tariffs independently or adopt any customs duty on goods travelling in or out of the territory
  • 4.2 No signatory member state of the FTA may grant exclusive trade rights to another member nation nor prejudice the rights of another member
  • 4.3 Each member state shall eliminate barriers, turnpikes to facilitate cross-border movement of homins and goods
  • 4.4 Each member state shall grant temporary admission to goods free of duty

Article 5: The Commission

The Free Trade Commission is set up to oversee the proper execution of the FTA. This Commission is headed by two members of each race from the following professional guilds: the Carriers (Zoraï), Trail Blazers (Fyros), Free Merchants (Matis), Hawkers (Tryker). Presidency shall be passed on every Atysian cycle on the first day of Winderly. The first presidency shall be held by the Zoraïs.

The Commission shall:

  • 5.1 supervise and implement this agreement;
  • 5.2 oversee its further elaboration;
  • 5.3 seek to settle individual disputes and claims and facilitate trade relations;
  • 5.4 meet at least once a year and maintain correspondence at least once a month and preserve race relations;
  • 5.5 impose fines on homins in breach of the agreement

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