A Journey to the Old Lands

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de:Eine Reise zu den alten Landen en:A Journey to the Old Lands es:Un viaje a las Tierras Antiguas fr:Un voyage vers les Anciennes Terres ru:путешествие в древние земли
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2024-03-24)


This text recounts the adventure of my friends Eeri and Azazor Eridlo Merihus in the Old Lands, or rather the way I perceived it; I'm counting on them to tell all about it when they return…

A startling enterprise

    It was during a meeting of the CEK that Eeri and Azazor told us of their intention to leave us for a quest to the Old Lands. We all thought at first that they had both abused the shooki by praying to the Great Glouglou but we soon realized that their gullets were as cek dry[1] as a igara leg roasted over a wood fire.

Meeting with Barmie Dingle

Rencontre avec Barmie.png

    Following my request, Barmie Dingle agreed to meet Azazor and Eeri. The meeting took place on Prima, Pluvia 7, 1st CA 2617 at the Thesos bar. Barmie, of course, tried to dissuade them from undertaking this long and dangerous journey, but to no avail: "If you want to convince a Fyros, don't talk to him about anything dangerous. It's considered a challenge to them". The meeting was rich in lessons, firstly about Barmie and his family, but also about the Oflovak Road, the Old Lands and the wildlife that lives there…

Barmie and his family

    Barmie comes from a family of nomads. Until his appointment, the "Turquoise Seed" lived on a Karavan barge (the Kterhorskos), pulled by igaras. The barge, which is commanded by his elder sister Pammet, is assigned the task of observing conflicts between Kitins, who seem to have formed factions.

Oflovak Road

    Barmie estimates that it takes two or three cycles to cover the entire route between the New and Old Lands (he himself covered it in a single cycle, but he had guides). We had already noted the poor condition of the milestones laid by Oflovak to mark the Route on the final part of the Exodus path. Barmie confirms that the same is true further on, and that they may even have disappeared from certain parts. However, it is possible to orientate oneself by the star of the day, to the east, at least, on those parts far enough from the Old Lands.
    On the Old Lands side, the road leads to a "citadel" owned by the Marauders. This citadel occupies a "vast area" and Barmie indicates that the Marauders are not very numerous, but enough to hold the area against the Kitins.
    To get through it, Eeri and Azazor will have to negotiate their passage, for example by doing them a favor (such as carrying a message for them). This is also what the Rangers do, as they have an agreement with the Marauders and are "partly their eyes".

The Old Lands

    Although he didn't say so explicitly, it seems that Barmie has more experience of desert regions than any other (unless the Eeri and Azazor enterprise has been of particular concern to him). In any case, he told us a lot about them.
    From a « atygraphical » point of view, I noted:
* the desert is isolated from the rest of the Old Lands (at least for the most part, cliffs? mountains?);
* high plateaus flank its northern border;
* that a mountain range deprives it of access to the "sea" or lakes to the south.
    Finally, Barmie has confirmed the rumor that "the sun remains at its zenith in the Old Lands". The downside is that it cannot be used as an orientation marker there.
    But Barmie was most impressed by the Kitins that continue to ravage the region: the "Flamboyants", he also calls "red dragons". These are mainly giant kipestas of a size out of all proportion to the most impressive in the New Lands. "Fearsome, expansionist, they burn vast areas of desert and effectively prevent anyone from getting close." A challenge that, despite Barmie's words, aroused Azazor's curiosity!
    Still according to Barmie, other mutations have occurred in the Forest or Jungle regions that are in conflict with the Flamboyants.
    Since the Marauders can contain them, they must be able to kill them.
    It seems to me that an interview with Akilia, or at least with one of her companions who has made the journey, is essential before the big departure… will they accept?

The departure

    It was set for Quinteth, Pluvia 5, of the third cycle of 2617[2]. A small farewell party was organized in Silan, at the Rangers' new facilities. Emotions ran high, but the atmosphere was warm, with Shooki and Byrh's barrels helping to lighten the mood

Fête de départ 1024.png

    Much to our surprise, we were visited by Erin Mac'Cartlann. First of all, she told us that Barmie Dingle couldn't join us because "he was dead"…
    A wave of astonished sadness swept through the assembly, and questions came thick and fast. She then added, not a little proud of the effect her announcement had produced, that Barmie had "not yet recovered from his first resurrection". Sighs of relief…
    After reiterating Barmie's warnings, Erin handed Eeri and Azazor a copy of the Oflovak Road map (reproduced below) from the Rangers of Atys.

Oflovak Road

    It was time to say goodbye. Everyone had a gift for the explorers.
    For my part, I gave Eeri a dagger, which I had received the day before at the Wheel of fortune; this weapon is one of the latest models and could be used in possible negotiations with the Marauders, who have surely never seen one like it. I also gave him a dozen recently collected izam eggs, which I kept warm. Eeri immediately put them in a box she'd just received. I hope they won't all hatch at the same time, and that the avians will find their way back on the road to bring us news. The tests I've carried out work on the mainland and even in Almati Wood, but over there it's another matter…
    And so it was off… Even Xypholion, who is usually impassive, was moved; Be'arlly Emer wiped away a tear, and she wasn't the only one…
    " Farewell, friends! Come back to us whole!
    To which Eeri replied: " We'll be back. If only to kick a few butt pairs!"'

  • Do'Ro Thee •, Senior Officer of the Cercle du Bois d'Almati


Both Eeri's and Azazor's logbooks have been uploaded as they were written to the forum's kün geyum thread, where everyone can consult them.

  1. Jump up Untranslatable pun: FR "sec" means EN "dry".
  2. Jump up [HRP] March 11, 2022, 9pm