Difference between revisions of "The EncyclopAtys Guide"

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|DE=Der Wegweiser zur EnzyklopAtys|DEs=5
|DE=Der Wegweiser zur EnzyklopAtys
|EN=The EncycloAtys Guide|ENs=5
|EN=The EncyclopAtys Guide
|ES=Guía de EnciclopAtys|ESs=3
|ES=Guía de EnciclopAtys
|FR=Le Guide de l'EncyclopAtys|FRs=0
|FR=Le Guide de l'EncyclopAtys
|RU=Руководство по ЭнциклопАтис|RUs=5
|RU=Руководство по ЭнциклопАтис
Originally, the "EncyclopAtys" was created by players who wanted to record as many (if not all) RPG and MMOG on the one hand the story of their character and on the other hand the tricks to survive in the universe of Atys.
Today it has become the wiki of Ryzom supposed to collect all the useful information of the game in all its aspects and interests,  "Gameplay" and "Roleplay".
Originally, the "EncyclopAtys" was created by players who wanted to record as many (if not all) RPG and MMOG on the one hand the story of their character and on the other hand the tricks to survive in the universe of Atys. He constantly mixed "Gameplay" and "Roleplay".
Like any wiki, it has been enriched with data, documentary "pages" and various tools of "normalised" representations.
Like any wiki, it has been enriched with data, documentary "pages" and various tools of "normalised" representations.
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It should be remembered that at that time the game universe was slightly different under each DE, EN and FR server, which caused a lot of confusion, even frustration, during the fusion. It was thought that languages such as Spanish, which is very present all over the world, and Russian, which is widely used in Eastern Europe, could promote the game, so two more language wikis were created.
It should be remembered that at that time the game universe was slightly different under each DE, EN and FR server, which caused a lot of confusion, even frustration, during the fusion. It was thought that languages such as Spanish, which is very present all over the world, and Russian, which is widely used in Eastern Europe, could promote the game, so two more language wikis were created.
The need to create a workplace for development and a space to avoid misinterpretations of the previously too secret tradition giving free rein to the imagination of players led to the creation of two new wikis.
The need to create a workplace for development and a workspace to avoid misinterpretations of the previously too secret tradition giving free rein to the imagination of players led to the creation of two new wikis.
The first three wikis were independent, 100% managed by volunteers. They had gradually been fully integrated into Ryzom's servers.
The first three wikis were independent, 100% managed by volunteers. They had gradually been fully integrated into Ryzom's servers.
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* The '''[[Portal:X-files|X-files ;-) ]]''' contains the "behind the scenes" of the wiki.
* The '''[[Portal:X-files|X-files ;-) ]]''' contains the "behind the scenes" of the wiki.
'''The following cartridge summarises the various important points of interest and access to associated information. This cartridge should be present at the end of pages on all portals, and sometimes as an introduction to some key categories.'''
'''The following cartridge summarises the various important points of interest and access to associated information. This cartridge should be present at the end of pages on all portals, and sometimes as an introduction to some key categories.'''
{{Portal bottom}}
{{Portal bottom|Alert}}
== Un sitio documental gestionado por varios grupos==
== A documentary site managed by several groups==
Con un pasado así, es necesario volver al contexto y considerar bien que el papel de cada uno impone restricciones y opciones de diferentes reglas e instrumentos.
With such a past, it is necessary to return to context and consider well that the role of each imposes restrictions and options of different rules and instruments.
*Tenemos, en primer lugar, no debemos que olvidarlo, los "lectores"'. Para ellos escribimos.
*First of all, we must not forget it, the '''readers'''. For them we wrote.
* luego, los contribuyentes que tendrán diferentes conocimientos pueden dividirlo en tres grupos.
*Then "''contributers''" who will have different knowledge can divide it into three groups.
=== Jugadores y animadores===
=== Players and animators===
Este es el grupo de los que están presentes en el juego y que lo vive y lo hace vivir. Podemos añadir a este grupo los traductores y "SysOp" que también son jugadores o animadores.
This is the group of those who are present in the game and who "lives" in it and makes it live. We can add to this group translators and "SysOp" who are also players or animators.
* Los '''jugadores''' enriquecen la documentación según su propia experiencia. Es interesante ver en este caso el wiki como una extensión RP del juego. Al mismo tiempo, a diferencia de wikis como Wikipedia, es inútil inventar un apodo, ya tenemos el (los) que tenemos en juego. Obviamente, los agentes secretos o miembros de facciones clandestinas pueden usar el apodo de su apodo. De hecho, Ryzom quiere ser un juego RP y puede ser agradable, incluso motivador, para los jugadores invertir en el wiki como un personaje en lugar de como un trabajador anónimo. A veces la información será obligatoria IRL. El caso ha sido planeado y los detalles seguirán.
* '''Players''' enrich the documentation based on their own experience. It is interesting to see in this case the wiki as an RP extension of the game, but not an obligation. At the same time, unlike wikis like Wikipedia, it is useless to invent a nickname, we already have the one(s) that we have for the game. Obviously, secret agents or members of clandestine factions can use the nickname of their nickname. In fact, Ryzom wants to be an RP game and it can be enjoyable, even motivating, for players to invest in the wiki as a character rather than as an anonymous worker. Sometimes the information will be mandatory IRL. The case has been planned and the details will follow.
* Los '''animadores''' aparecerán con su apodo de animador cuando se expresen como animador, es lo mismo para los '''desarrolladores''' y los '''loristas'''. Los dos últimos tienen un espacio un poco separado de los otros.
* '''Animators''' will appear with their animator nickname when expressing themselves as an animator, it is the same for '''developers''' and '''lorists'''. The last two have a workspace in the wiki a bit separated from the others.
* Los '''traductores''' son aquellos que aseguran en la medida de lo posible la difusión de información en cada idioma.
* '''Translators''' are those who ensure as far as possible the dissemination of information in each language.
* Los ''' ''SysOps'' ''' monitorean y aseguran la calidad del sitio, abren cuentas y guían a los principiantes, El ''SysOps'' es en cierto modo el administrador de un avión de pasajeros, mientras el ''pilotaje'' se proporciona '''solo por la administración del sistema de Ryzom'''.
* The '''SysOps''' monitor and ensure the quality of the site, open accounts and guide beginners, the "SysOps" is like the steward for passengers of a plane, while the "piloting" is provided '''only by the administration of the Ryzom system'''.
===Developers ===  
Los desarrolladores, asociados con el proyecto de "la Forja", utilizan este espacio como les plazca para compartir información centralizada (categorías de la forja). Todos los documentos están al menos referenciados en el sitio en inglés, incluso si solo el título ha sido traducido al inglés. Idealmente, cualquier documento de La Forja se traduciría a dos idiomas, incluido el inglés. En otras palabras <big>'''toda'''</big> la documentación para la "'forge "'debe estar en '''[[: en: Portal:Forge|Portal de Forge en anglais]]'''.
The developers, associated with the "Forge" project, use this wiki workspace to share centralised information (forging categories). All FORGE documents are at least referenced on the "'[[:en: Portal:Forge|FORGE site in English]]"'. Ideally, any document from The Forge would be translated into two languages, including English, '''because English is not a neutral language as Esperanto or any other international "mathematical" language''', so, it is a minimum of courtesy for other cultures.
El campo Forge recoge tanto el historial de Ryzom como "[[:Atys:Category:Ryzom_assets|assets]]", pero también consejos y trucos, por ejemplo, usando GIMP en lugar de 3DsMax.
The Forge field collects both Ryzom history and "[[:Atys:Category:Ryzom_assets|assets]]", but also tips and tricks, for example, using GIMP instead of 3DsMax.
:{{3DText|text=<big>también contiene la descripción del uso de <big>nuestra herramienta de puesta en escena: el <big>[[:en:ARK|ARK]]</big></big></big>.}}
:{{3DText|text=<big>also contains the description of using <big>our staging tool: the <big > [[:en: ARK|ARK]]</big></big></big>.}}
===''Loristas'', guardianes del universo de Atys===
=== "Lorists", guardians of the universe of Atys===
Los ''loristas'' también tienen su espacio de trabajo (categorías Lore), sabiendo que este espacio es público (no hay ningún secreto en el wiki), y que se supone que deben proteger los documentos oficiales colocando su sello y "bloqueando" las escrituras. [[File:Rubber-Stamp-Lore choix H.png|64px|left|Sello de la Lore]] el mismo sello se puede usar para documentos muy importantes que no se modifiquen ligeramente como derechos de autor o reglas de sociabilidad en el juego.
The "lorists" also have their workspace (lore categories), knowing that this space is public (there is no secret on the wiki), and that they are supposed to protect official documents by putting their stamp and "blocking" the modifications. [[File:Rubber-Stamp-Lore choix H.png|64px|left|lore stamp]] The same stamp can be used for very important documents that are not slightly modified as copyright or rules of sociability in the game.
== Para empezar==
== To get started==
El problema para comenzar en un wiki (cualquiera) es doble. Por un lado, están las reglas puramente técnicas y por otro lado, está el espíritu del wiki. Siendo esta última a menudo considerada esencial para ofrecer documentación en línea, y para evitar que los usuarios descubrieran mil y una herramienta de documentación en línea, se optó por utilizar algo conocido por todos y que está muy bien documentado : el Mediawiki, ampliamente representado por Wikipedia cuyas ayudas están bien actualizadas.
There are two problems to start on a wiki. On the one hand, there are the purely technical rules and on the other hand, there is the spirit of the wiki. Being the latter often considered essential to offer online documentation, and to prevent users from discovering a thousand and one online documentation tool, it was chosen to use something known to all and that is very well documented : the Mediawiki, widely represented by Wikipedia whose aids are well updated.
En primer lugar, nunca dude en pedir la ayuda de un "experimentado" porque el montón de cosas por descubrir es impresionante. ¿Y cómo puedo encontrar a este "experimentado"? La manera más fácil es averiguar quién está presente con frecuencia en el wiki para contribuir a él. Y para ello solo necesitarás verlo aquí para cada idioma :
First of all, never hesitate to ask for the help of an "experienced guy" because the loads of things to discover is impressive. And how can I find those "''senseis''"? The easiest way is to find out who is frequently present on the wiki to contribute to it. And for this you will only need to see it here for each language :
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=== Búsqueda de información===
=== Information search===
Hay dos tipos de búsquedas :
There are two types of searches :
*Sabemos lo que estamos buscando y utilizamos algunas palabras clave para lograrlo : esto es lo que permite el campo <big>'''''Buscar:'''''</big> en la parte superior de las páginas wiki. Se puede leer con interés: [[:en:Help:Search]].
* We know what we are looking for and use a few keywords to achieve it : this is what the <big>'''''Search:'''''</big> field at the top of wiki pages allows. You can read with interest: [[:en:Help:Search]].
*Se está interesado en un campo de conocimiento, y en este caso son los portales temáticos los que "guiarán" a los lectores.
* One is interested in a field of knowledge, and in this case it is the thematic portals that will "guide" readers.
: En este último caso, no hay  responsables de portales, porque todos los contribuidores, discutiendo con otros para no romper ciegamente lo existente, pueden mejorarlo en la idea de compartir siempre mejor la información.
: In the latter case, there are no portals responsible, because all contributors, arguing with others not to blindly break the existing, can improve it in the idea of always better sharing information.
*Las categorías son "pilares" en un wiki. Le aconsejemos examinar la pagina [[Categorización]].
: Categories are "pillars" on a wiki. We advise you to examine the page [[categorization]].
===¿Quién soy ?===
Quieres contribuir a nuestro wiki, aunque solo sea para corregir errores tipográficos horribles y errores gramaticales aún más horribles y aún peor, seguro de tu experiencia, técnicas de [[portal:cosecha|perforación y cosecha]]. ¡Felicidades! pero debes tener una cuenta para obrar en nuestra enciclopedia.
Obtener una cuenta es una de nuestras protecciones contra todos los vándalos en la web. Pero el espíritu alternativamente merodeador y tritonista está muy arraigado en el homin que no entiende que esta restricción se debe al hecho de que los raros "SysOp" de los wikis de Ryzom no eran numerosos y estaban lo suficientemente presentes como para proteger y limpiar el wiki de los diversos ataques que sufrió. Finalmente, se decidió que solo los jugadores de Ryzom podían contribuir y que la única manera de averiguarlo, en ausencia de un CV "homin" irremediablemente vacío, seguía siendo el uso de un nombre " '' '''ryzomiano''' '' " de un personaje del jugador. Y en este caso, ¿por qué no hacer que este personaje se exprese en modo RP aquí ?
=== Who am I ?===
You want to contribute to our wiki, if only to correct horrible typos and even more horrible grammatical errors and even worse, sure of your experience, [[portal:harvesting|drilling and harvesting]] techniques. Congratulations! but you must have an account to work in our encyclopedia.
Al crear una cuenta, en la parte superior de la página, a la derecha, encima del campo descrito anteriormente, hay una serie de enlaces que apuntan a elementos en su perfil.
Getting an account is one of our protections against all vandals on the web. But the alternately "''marauders and tritonist spirit''" is deeply rooted in the homin who does not understand that this restriction is due to the fact that the few "SysOp" of Ryzom wikis were not numerous and were present enough to protect and clean the wiki from the various attacks it suffered. Finally, it was decided that only Ryzom players could contribute and that the only way to find out, in the absence of a hopelessly empty "homin" CV, remained to use a ''' '' "ryzomian" '' ''' name of a player character. And in this case, why not make this character express in RP mode here ?
* '''Tu nombre''' permite el acceso a tu perfil. En este último puedes escribir tu "perfil" RP y tus especialidades de IRL(rol en el wiki, habilidades lingüísticas, etc.).
* '''Discusión''' es la página en la que otros jugadores/colaboradores se pondrán en contacto contigo. Es una tradición agregar un título de nivel dos para cualquier tema nuevo, firmar con los cuatro "~" (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>), y sangrar cada subnivel de respuesta comenzando la línea con ":" más que el párrafo anterior.
*Los siguientes: '''Preferencias''', '''Lista de seguimiento''', '''Contribuciones''' y '''Salir''' no son específicos de la wiki de Ryzom.
===Referencias complementarias===
When creating an account, at the top of the page, on the right, above the field described above, there are a number of links that point to items in your profile.
* Descripción de la barra de herramientas: [[:en:Wiki tools bar]] de [[:en:User:Craftjenn]]
* '''Your name''' allows access to your profile. In the latter you can write your RP "profile" and your IRL specialties(wiki role, language skills, etc.).
* Cómo y por qué crear una cuenta: [[:en:Help:Why create an account?]] de [[:en:User:Craftjenn]]
* '''Talk''' is the page where other players/contributors will contact you. It's a tradition to add a Level Two title for any new topic, sign with all four "~" (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>), and indent each response Ssublevel by starting the line with ":" more than the previous paragraph.
* The following: '''Preferences''', '''Watchlist''', '''Contributions''' and '''Log out''' are not specific to the Ryzom wiki.
== Romper la página en blanco==
=== Additional references===
Con el tiempo, el wiki se ha convertido en una herramienta rica y, por lo tanto, compleja a primera vista. No dude en pedir ayuda a los "activos" del sitio. ¡El patrocinio es gratis! (al menos por ahora porque más tarde, el viejo, serás tú  :-) )
* Toolbar description: [[:en: Wiki tools bar]] from [[:en:User: Craftjenn]]
* How and why create an account: [[:en: help: why create an account?]] from [[:en: User: Craftjenn]]
En primer lugar es necesario acostumbrarse a la organización del wiki y saber que algunas "cosas" están automatizadas.
== Break the blank page==
Over time, the wiki has become a rich and therefore complex tool at first glance. Do not hesitate to ask for help from the active users of the site. Sponsorship is free! (at least for now because later, the old one, it will be you  :-) )
Las tres principales "cosas" automatizadas son la gestión de páginas de documentos (o imágenes en el wiki adecuado como se explicará más adelante), las categorizaciones y las plantillas que dan un formato para ciertos datos o un objeto que se introduce en la pagina.
First of all, it is necessary to get used to the organisation of the wiki and know that some "things" are automated.
=== La paginas documentales ===
La redacción de las páginas documentales, ha sido descrita por varios autores en diferentes momentos:
* El antecesor (2005): [[:fr:Aide:Premiers pas]] por [[:fr:user:Karouko]]
* Versión 2012: [[:fr:User:Zorroargh/Guide de rédaction]]
* 2016-2019, muchos complementos de [[:en:User: Craftjenn|Craftjenn]], incluida la publicación pública de la guía anterior [[:en:Writing Guide]] desde [[Introducción a la wiki]].
The three main automated "things" are document page management (or images on the proper wiki as will be explained later), categorisations, and templates that format certain data or push object that has been entered on the page.
Uno debe ver la categorización en el aspecto de la teoría de conjuntos. Mediawiki maneja las categorías como conjuntos que se pueden incluir en otros, lo cual es muy conveniente para encontrar rápidamente elementos que comparten el mismo conjunto de definiciones. Por cierto, es inútil categorizar la categoría base (o raíz) en una categoría superior porque, siempre desde un punto de vista de los conjuntos, '''por defecto''' Mediawiki se comporta como el conjunto '''U'''niverso, es decir que contiene todos los conjuntos. Por lo tanto, todo el arte de categorizar estará en la elección de los primeros troncos y las primeras ramificaciones que agrupan grandes series de información.
=== The documentary pages ===
The writing of the documentary pages, has been described by several authors at different times:
* The first one in 2005: [[:fr:Aide:Premiers pas]] by [[: fr:user:Karouko]]
* The "fusion" version 2012: [[:fr:user: Zorroargh|guide de rédaction]]
* The actually one with many additional information from [[:en: User:Craftjenn|Craftjenn]], including the public publication of the previous guide [[:en: Writing Guide]] from [[Introduction to the Ryzom Forge Wiki]].
Para visualizar esta noción de categorías de anidamiento, imagine los siguientes dos ejemplos: '''Lydix Deps''' el propietario de la taberna de Pyr y su licor a base de '''Shooki'''
One should see categorisation in the aspect of Set Theory. Mediawiki handles categories as sets that can be included in others, which is very convenient for quickly finding items that share the same set of definitions. By the way, it is useless to categorise the base (or root) category into a higher category because, always from a set point of view, '''by default''' Mediawiki behaves like the '''U'''niverse set, i.e. it contains all sets. Therefore, the whole art of categorising will be in the choice of the first trunks and the first branches that group together large series of information.
:'''Lydix''' pertenece a las categorías:
To visualise this notion of nesting categories, imagine the following two examples: '''Lydix Deps''' the owner of Pyr's Tavern and his liquor based on '''Shooki'''.
#La [[:Categoría:Personajes no jugadores Fyros]] que pertenece a la [[:Categoría:Fyros]] y a la [[:Categoría:Personajes no jugadores]]
#* Sin embargo, la [[:Categoría:Fyros]] pertenece a la [[:Categoría:Civilizaciones de Atys]] que son parte de la [[:Categoría:Pueblos de Atys]] (que incluye tribus y primitivos) que pertenecen a la [[:Categoría:Habitantes]] que encontraremos en el siguiente ejemplo.
#*Por otro lado, la [[:Categoría:Personajes no jugadores]] pertenece a:
#** la [[:Categoría:Homins]] que pertenece a la [[:Categoría:La Gran Biblioteca]] porque contiene textos escritos por los jugadores según su propia experiencia.
#** la [[:Categoría:Gameplay]] porqu es un mob.
#** la [[:Categoría:Animación]] porque los PNJ a veces son parte de un evento
#** y por fin a la [[:Categoría:Roleplay]], como "''[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extra figurante]''" participando en un juego de RP.
#La [[:en:Category:Figures of Burning Désert]] que pertenece a la [[: Categoría: Personalidades]] que está en la [[:Categoría:Homins]]. De hecho, si Lydix pertenece a los fyros, no debemos olvidar que muchos otros homines no fyros viven en el desierto.
: "'Lydix "' belongs to the categories:
#The [[:Category:Non Playable Characters-Fyros]] that belongs to the [[:Category:Fyros]] and the [[:Category:Non Playable Characters]]
#* However, the [[:Category:Fyros]] belongs to [[:Category:Civilization]] that are part of the [[:Category:Peoples of Atys]] (which includes tribes and primitive) that belong to the [[:Category:Inhabitants]] that we can find in the following example.
#* On the other hand, the [[:Category:Non Playable Characters]] belongs to:
#** the [[:Category:Homins]] that belongs to the [[:Category:The Great Library]] because it contains texts written by players based on their own experience.
#** the [[:Category: Gameplay]] because it is a mob.
#** the [[:Category: animation]] because NPCs are sometimes part of an event
#** and finally to the [[:Category: Roleplay]], like ''background actor'' participating in a RPG.
#The [[:en:Category:Figures of Burning Désert]] that belongs to the [[:Category:Figures]] that is in the [[:Category: Homins]]. In fact, if Lydix belongs to the fyros, we must not forget that many other non-fyros homins live in the desert.
:El '''shooki''' pertenece a la [[:Categoría:Plantas inteligentes]] y [[:Categoría:Flora del desierto]] ambas en la [[:Categoría:Flora]], una de las principales ramas de la wiki.
: The '''shooki''' belongs to the [[:category:intelligent plants]] and [[:Category:Flora of the Desert]] both in the [[:Category:Flora]], one of the main branches of the wiki.
Las categorías permiten a los jugadores buscar información sabiendo de lo que se trata, pero no sabiendo con cuales palabras específicas. Por ejemplo, uno podría buscar un PNJ cuyo nombre olvidó pero que recuerda vendiendo cerveza en el desierto ardiente.
Categories allow players to search for information knowing what it is, but not knowing with which specific words. For example, one might look for an NPC whose name he forgot but remembers selling beer in the burning desert.
Además de estas categorías "enciclopédicas" también hay categorías técnicas de trabajo.
In addition to these "encyclopedic" categories there are also technical categories of work.
La mayoría de estas categorías se pueden insertar a través de "plantilla", lo que simplifica la vida del colaborador. Estas categorías están detalladas para "especialistas" (Loristas, traductores, mantenimiento de la wiki...)
Most of these categories can be inserted through "template", which simplifies the life of the collaborator. These categories are detailed for "specialists" (Lorists, translators, wiki maintenance...)
'''¡OJO!''': las imágenes serán todas (para las 5 wikis) alojadas en el '''[[:atys:Main_Page|Ryzom_Commons]]''', que está en inglés, con algunas excepciones locales. Si tiene muchas imágenes para cargar, a menudo es mejor comenzar creando una subcategoría, y especialmente nombrar las imágenes mucho antes de importarlas. Se puede consultar mas en: [[:en:SOS/catImage]].
"'Keep in mind!"': the images will all (for all 5 wikis) be hosted on the '''[[:atys: Main_Page|Ryzom_Commons]]''', which is in English, with some local exceptions. If you have a lot of images to upload, it's often better to start by creating a subcategory, and especially naming the images long before importing them. You can consult more in: [[:en:SOS/catImage]].
=== Formato ===
=== Format ===
Tanto para el traductor como para el jugador que lee más de un idioma, es útil encontrar en cada wiki la misma interfaz. El diseño contribuye a esta uniformidad visual.
For both the translator and the player who reads more than one language, it is useful to find on each wiki the same interface. The design contributes to this visual uniformity.
Además, la forma de presentar cierta información es a veces muy repetitiva de un wiki al otro y por lo tanto tediosa de "copiar/pegar/'''adaptar'''". Las "plantillas" ayudan a simplificar la tarea de los colaboradores. Pero al mismo tiempo, cuanto más hay plantillas y reglas, más los escritores se sienten neófitos sobrecargados con cosas que adquirir.
In addition, the way of presenting certain information is sometimes very repetitive from one wiki to the other and therefore tedious to "copy/paste/'''adapt'''". "Templates" help simplify the task of collaborators. But at the same time, the more templates and rules there are, the more writers feel neophytes overloaded with things to acquire.
Todas las buenas voluntades pueden escribir y mejorar las guías de esta wiki que es nuestra. Se tiene un [https://chat.ryzom.com/channel/pj-ryzom_wiki forum] en donde se puede discutir con los otros a propósito de todas la mejoras posibles.
All willingness can write and improve the guides of this wiki that is ours. It has a [https://chat.ryzom.com/channel/pj-ryzom_wiki forum] where you can discuss with others about all the possible improvements.
=== Portales y páginas principales===  
=== Portals and main pages===  
La página de inicio es la página predeterminada a la que llega el lector. Debe ser diseñado para dirigirlo rápidamente a sus intereses. Esta página está protegida.
The home page is the default page the reader reaches. It should be designed to quickly direct you to your interests. This page is protected.
Los portales son una invención de la Wikipedia francesa que no se refleja de la misma manera en todas partes en Wikipedias. Los portales son puntos de entrada para temas y, a veces, proyectos. Fueron elegidos para poder responder a las diversas preguntas que los jugadores se hacen a sí mismos y para servir como punto de bienvenida para los proyectos de La Forge y en general para todos los equipos de animación de Ryzom.
Portals are an invention of the French Wikipedia that is not reflected in the same way everywhere in Wikipedias. Portals are entry points for topics and sometimes projects. They were chosen to be able to answer the various questions that players ask themselves and to serve as a welcome point for '''Forge''' projects and in general for all Ryzom animation teams.
Un portal siempre tiene el mismo esqueleto :
A portal always has the same skeleton :
* Pestañas para acceder a sub portales o portales afines.
* Tabs to access sub portals or related portals.
* Enlace a la categoría que contiene las páginas asociadas al portal
* Link to the category containing the pages associated with the portal
* Introducción que lo presenta
* Short abstract to introduce it
* El cuerpo de la puerta incluyendo
* The portal body including
** A la izquierda una página '''publicitaria''' para atraer el lector a descubrir màs
** On the left a page '''advertising''' to invite the reader to discover more
** A la derecha, una lista de inserciones que indican los puntos que se supone importantes para navegar dentro y alrededor del tema. Un ejemplo se proporciona en [[Portal:Portal]]. Sin embargo, hay muchas variaciones dependiendo de los intereses del tema.
** On the right, a list of inserts indicating the points that are supposed to be important for navigating in and around the topic. An example is provided in [[Portal: Portal]]. However, there are many variations depending on the interests of the subject.
* En la parte inferior, siempre, la navegación en el sitio: "los principales portales de la Wiki Ryzom"
* At the bottom, always, navigation on the site: "All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)"
Los artículos que pertenecen a un tema representado por un portal siempre se hacen incluyendo al final del artículo banda(s) de navegación<noinclude>, como se puede ver a continuación</noinclude>.
Articles that belong to a topic represented by a portal are always made by including at the end of the article navigation band(s)<noinclude>, as you can see below</noinclude>.
<!--{{read more|algo}}-->
<!--{{read more|algo}}-->
----{{Last version link|Guía de EnciclopAtys}}<noinclude>
----{{Last version link|The EncyclopAtys Guide}}<noinclude>
{{Portal|Gameplay|Lore|La Gran Biblioteca|Forge|Wikipatys}}
{{Portal|Gameplay|Lore|The Great Library|Forge|Wikipatys}}

Latest revision as of 15:07, 5 March 2022

de:Der Wegweiser zur EnzyklopAtys
en:The EncyclopAtys Guide
es:Guía de EnciclopAtys
fr:Le Guide de l'EncyclopAtys
ru:Руководство по ЭнциклопАтис
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-03-05)

Originally, the "EncyclopAtys" was created by players who wanted to record as many (if not all) RPG and MMOG on the one hand the story of their character and on the other hand the tricks to survive in the universe of Atys.

Today it has become the wiki of Ryzom supposed to collect all the useful information of the game in all its aspects and interests, "Gameplay" and "Roleplay".


Like any wiki, it has been enriched with data, documentary "pages" and various tools of "normalised" representations.

It later inspired wikis, German and English twins also based on Mediawiki (and Wikipedia). These two wikis needed to exchange images, as they often worked together, so this was the birth of the "Ryzom Commons", the place where images (and other media) can be shared.

It should be remembered that at that time the game universe was slightly different under each DE, EN and FR server, which caused a lot of confusion, even frustration, during the fusion. It was thought that languages such as Spanish, which is very present all over the world, and Russian, which is widely used in Eastern Europe, could promote the game, so two more language wikis were created.

The need to create a workplace for development and a workspace to avoid misinterpretations of the previously too secret tradition giving free rein to the imagination of players led to the creation of two new wikis.

The first three wikis were independent, 100% managed by volunteers. They had gradually been fully integrated into Ryzom's servers.

With a desire for simplification and above all for visibility, the two wikis, Forge and Lore, have been integrated into the "linguistic" wikis of the players so that they can access their information very easily:

  • Those of the Forge to keep up to date players interested in the progress of development.
  • Those of the Lore in order to avoid the drifts of scenarios of players and developers.

Thus was born the new architecture of Ryzom wikis, architecture that had to answer the questions :

And then the "Encyclopedia" co-managed by the players and animators:

  • Atys Chronicles which are the official texts to describe the past.
  • The Great Library contains all the player experience that does not necessarily fall into any of the headings above.
  • The X-files ;-) contains the "behind the scenes" of the wiki.

The following cartridge summarises the various important points of interest and access to associated information. This cartridge should be present at the end of pages on all portals, and sometimes as an introduction to some key categories.

Spe labs.png
All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC

A documentary site managed by several groups

With such a past, it is necessary to return to context and consider well that the role of each imposes restrictions and options of different rules and instruments.

  • First of all, we must not forget it, the readers. For them we wrote.
  • Then "contributers" who will have different knowledge can divide it into three groups.

Players and animators

This is the group of those who are present in the game and who "lives" in it and makes it live. We can add to this group translators and "SysOp" who are also players or animators.

  • Players enrich the documentation based on their own experience. It is interesting to see in this case the wiki as an RP extension of the game, but not an obligation. At the same time, unlike wikis like Wikipedia, it is useless to invent a nickname, we already have the one(s) that we have for the game. Obviously, secret agents or members of clandestine factions can use the nickname of their nickname. In fact, Ryzom wants to be an RP game and it can be enjoyable, even motivating, for players to invest in the wiki as a character rather than as an anonymous worker. Sometimes the information will be mandatory IRL. The case has been planned and the details will follow.
  • Animators will appear with their animator nickname when expressing themselves as an animator, it is the same for developers and lorists. The last two have a workspace in the wiki a bit separated from the others.
  • Translators are those who ensure as far as possible the dissemination of information in each language.
  • The SysOps monitor and ensure the quality of the site, open accounts and guide beginners, the "SysOps" is like the steward for passengers of a plane, while the "piloting" is provided only by the administration of the Ryzom system.


The developers, associated with the "Forge" project, use this wiki workspace to share centralised information (forging categories). All FORGE documents are at least referenced on the "'FORGE site in English"'. Ideally, any document from The Forge would be translated into two languages, including English, because English is not a neutral language as Esperanto or any other international "mathematical" language, so, it is a minimum of courtesy for other cultures.

The Forge field collects both Ryzom history and "assets", but also tips and tricks, for example, using GIMP instead of 3DsMax.

also contains the description of using our staging tool: the ARK.

"Lorists", guardians of the universe of Atys

The "lorists" also have their workspace (lore categories), knowing that this space is public (there is no secret on the wiki), and that they are supposed to protect official documents by putting their stamp and "blocking" the modifications.
lore stamp
The same stamp can be used for very important documents that are not slightly modified as copyright or rules of sociability in the game.

To get started

There are two problems to start on a wiki. On the one hand, there are the purely technical rules and on the other hand, there is the spirit of the wiki. Being the latter often considered essential to offer online documentation, and to prevent users from discovering a thousand and one online documentation tool, it was chosen to use something known to all and that is very well documented : the Mediawiki, widely represented by Wikipedia whose aids are well updated.

First of all, never hesitate to ask for the help of an "experienced guy" because the loads of things to discover is impressive. And how can I find those "senseis"? The easiest way is to find out who is frequently present on the wiki to contribute to it. And for this you will only need to see it here for each language :

Information search

There are two types of searches :

  • We know what we are looking for and use a few keywords to achieve it : this is what the Search: field at the top of wiki pages allows. You can read with interest: en:Help:Search.
  • One is interested in a field of knowledge, and in this case it is the thematic portals that will "guide" readers.
In the latter case, there are no portals responsible, because all contributors, arguing with others not to blindly break the existing, can improve it in the idea of always better sharing information.
Categories are "pillars" on a wiki. We advise you to examine the page categorization.

Who am I ?

You want to contribute to our wiki, if only to correct horrible typos and even more horrible grammatical errors and even worse, sure of your experience, drilling and harvesting techniques. Congratulations! but you must have an account to work in our encyclopedia.

Getting an account is one of our protections against all vandals on the web. But the alternately "marauders and tritonist spirit" is deeply rooted in the homin who does not understand that this restriction is due to the fact that the few "SysOp" of Ryzom wikis were not numerous and were present enough to protect and clean the wiki from the various attacks it suffered. Finally, it was decided that only Ryzom players could contribute and that the only way to find out, in the absence of a hopelessly empty "homin" CV, remained to use a "ryzomian" name of a player character. And in this case, why not make this character express in RP mode here ?

When creating an account, at the top of the page, on the right, above the field described above, there are a number of links that point to items in your profile.

  • Your name allows access to your profile. In the latter you can write your RP "profile" and your IRL specialties(wiki role, language skills, etc.).
  • Talk is the page where other players/contributors will contact you. It's a tradition to add a Level Two title for any new topic, sign with all four "~" (~~~~), and indent each response Ssublevel by starting the line with ":" more than the previous paragraph.
  • The following: Preferences, Watchlist, Contributions and Log out are not specific to the Ryzom wiki.

Additional references

Break the blank page

Over time, the wiki has become a rich and therefore complex tool at first glance. Do not hesitate to ask for help from the active users of the site. Sponsorship is free! (at least for now because later, the old one, it will be you  :-) )

First of all, it is necessary to get used to the organisation of the wiki and know that some "things" are automated.

The three main automated "things" are document page management (or images on the proper wiki as will be explained later), categorisations, and templates that format certain data or push object that has been entered on the page.

The documentary pages

The writing of the documentary pages, has been described by several authors at different times:


One should see categorisation in the aspect of Set Theory. Mediawiki handles categories as sets that can be included in others, which is very convenient for quickly finding items that share the same set of definitions. By the way, it is useless to categorise the base (or root) category into a higher category because, always from a set point of view, by default Mediawiki behaves like the Universe set, i.e. it contains all sets. Therefore, the whole art of categorising will be in the choice of the first trunks and the first branches that group together large series of information.

To visualise this notion of nesting categories, imagine the following two examples: Lydix Deps the owner of Pyr's Tavern and his liquor based on Shooki.

"'Lydix "' belongs to the categories:
  1. The Category:Non Playable Characters-Fyros that belongs to the Category:Fyros and the Category:Non Playable Characters
  2. The en:Category:Figures of Burning Désert that belongs to the Category:Figures that is in the Category: Homins. In fact, if Lydix belongs to the fyros, we must not forget that many other non-fyros homins live in the desert.
The shooki belongs to the category:intelligent plants and Category:Flora of the Desert both in the Category:Flora, one of the main branches of the wiki.

Categories allow players to search for information knowing what it is, but not knowing with which specific words. For example, one might look for an NPC whose name he forgot but remembers selling beer in the burning desert.

In addition to these "encyclopedic" categories there are also technical categories of work.

Most of these categories can be inserted through "template", which simplifies the life of the collaborator. These categories are detailed for "specialists" (Lorists, translators, wiki maintenance...)

"'Keep in mind!"': the images will all (for all 5 wikis) be hosted on the Ryzom_Commons, which is in English, with some local exceptions. If you have a lot of images to upload, it's often better to start by creating a subcategory, and especially naming the images long before importing them. You can consult more in: en:SOS/catImage.


For both the translator and the player who reads more than one language, it is useful to find on each wiki the same interface. The design contributes to this visual uniformity.

In addition, the way of presenting certain information is sometimes very repetitive from one wiki to the other and therefore tedious to "copy/paste/adapt". "Templates" help simplify the task of collaborators. But at the same time, the more templates and rules there are, the more writers feel neophytes overloaded with things to acquire.

All willingness can write and improve the guides of this wiki that is ours. It has a forum where you can discuss with others about all the possible improvements.

Portals and main pages

The home page is the default page the reader reaches. It should be designed to quickly direct you to your interests. This page is protected.

Portals are an invention of the French Wikipedia that is not reflected in the same way everywhere in Wikipedias. Portals are entry points for topics and sometimes projects. They were chosen to be able to answer the various questions that players ask themselves and to serve as a welcome point for Forge projects and in general for all Ryzom animation teams. A portal always has the same skeleton :

  • Tabs to access sub portals or related portals.
  • Link to the category containing the pages associated with the portal
  • Short abstract to introduce it
  • The portal body including
    • On the left a page advertising to invite the reader to discover more
    • On the right, a list of inserts indicating the points that are supposed to be important for navigating in and around the topic. An example is provided in Portal: Portal. However, there are many variations depending on the interests of the subject.
  • At the bottom, always, navigation on the site: "All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)"

Articles that belong to a topic represented by a portal are always made by including at the end of the article navigation band(s), as you can see below.

Last version 2022-03-05•