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Marauders History Protagonists Relations Organization Roleplay Marund
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2020-12-05)

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Portal of the Marauders

There are currently 0 pages related to the portal and 37 elements in the category Marauders.
There are currently in the English speaking Encyclopatys more than 2,026 elements.

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We, Marauders

We are the Marauders

Alone, in front of the kitins, we started from nothing. Thanks to our stubbornness and strength, we were able to survive. The fight was long and hard, and we developed a ruthless sense of struggle. We no longer fear the great powers, because we do not need your help to survive !

Now we are stepping on the New Lands and ready to take control of them! Homins will learn what true strength is.

Last version 2020-12-04•

Amber of Homin civilization
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The Marauders
Semi-nomadic tribal society
Marauder camp location.png
Continent Semi-nomads of Atys
Marauder camp 01.png
Capital Marauders Camp, Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
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Politic Tribal society
Great Lord Akilia Ash Storm
Assembly Marauders and visitors at least neutral
Lixie the furious.png
Kami Foe
Karavan Foe
Fyros Foe
Matis Foe
Trykers Foe
Zoraïs Foe
Marauders Marundak'h
Rangers Neutral
Trytonists Neutral

The Marauders have been abandoned in the hostile lands, and have survived the attacks Kitins, while homins were hiding in the primary roots. Their goal is to avenge this forgetfulness of these factions... destroying civilizations homines, by occupying the cities homines, as well as their outposts... and then reduce the survivors to slavery.

Their values

  • They claim to be free of the influences of the Kamis and the Karavan, but seem to know the "use" (note : comment sibylline of Stabre Sicco in the Chronicles of Atys)

Their Leader

  • The Marauders are organised into clans, independent but obedient to a war chief.

"'Great Lord:"'

"'Dedicated Servants"':

"Other known members"':

Note: this is inconsistant with Marauders page

Their Vision of the World of Atys

Their Banned

Their Ancestors



  • "'The Matis"':
  • "'The Trykers"':
  • "'The Fyros"':
  • "'The Zoraïs"':

Last version 2022-01-25•

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All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC