Events 2024/tr1

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Date: Sunday, 24 March 21:00:00 CET

Description: Incense stocks are at their lowest in the temples. Sage Sap asks young Zorai to go into the Cities of Intuition to gather the necessary ingredients. For low level characters (and all other homin). .. [Read more]...

Locian Wyler (Still's daughter) is happy to see so many of us
Date: Sunday, 10 March 21:00:00

Description: RP, for all. Following the decision of the Taliari assembly, all Trykers are invited to take part in the Day of Freedom escorting the delegation demanding Staerano's release. .. [Read more]...

Date: Saturday, 9 March 2024 21:00:00 CET

Description: The «Marché des Petits» collective organizes its market on Fairhaven beach. .. [Read more]...

Date: Friday, 8 March 21:00:00 CET - 11h - Tria, Winderly 21, 4th AC 2627

Description: The Tryker National Assembly meets in Fairhaven to make a decision following recent events in the Kingdom and Federation. More on the IC announcement (Situation of Matis Ambassador Nilstilar, situation of citizen Staerano.) .. [Read more]...

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Date: Wednesday, 21 February 21:00:00 CET - on 11h - Prima, Folially 1, 3rd AC 2627

Description: The Chamber of the Nobles gathers in the Royal Palace. .. [Read more]...

Date: Sunday, 4 February 21:00:00 CET

Description: O'Beroy Dipy is looking for actors for his play. He organizes an audition open to all. .. [Read more]...

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Date: Sunday, 28 January 21:00:00 CET

Description: A group of teenagers go bodoc hunting. What will they find that will make them grow up? .. [Read more]...

Date: Sunday, 21 January 21:00:00 CET

Description: The Queen of the Matis assembles her Court in Yrkanis. .. [Read more]...

Date: January 28th at 13:00 UTC!

Description: Will you be able to defend Zora against the strange creatures sent by Jadeyn the Demoness? .. [Read more]...

Date: Saturday, 6 January 21:00:00 CET

Description: 20th edition! The «Marché des Petits» collective organizes its market on Fairhaven beach. Contact them for help to trek Lakes (more on the forum). .. [Read more]...

Atysmas gifts
Date: From 2023/12/18 to 2024/01/07 inclusive.

Description: Atysmas is here with its magic atmosphere and events! And go to the Fortunate Gubani Wheel .. [Read more]...

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