
From EncyclopAtys

Revision as of 14:56, 13 December 2018 by Zorroargh (talk | contribs) (Encyclopatys)
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Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2018-12-13)

Implemention of a categorisation that suits the 6 wikis, knowing that "Forge" and "Lore" are integrated in the 5 "linguistical" wikis (and the "common" images as far as possible). There are for each wiki (DE, EN, ES, FR, RU) the same roots. These are:

the actual encyclopedic wiki, powered by all the players
the wiki maintenance tools (template, technical doc, archive...), powered by all players with some advanced experience of Mediawiki and Wikipedia.
all the documentary and technical content enabling the development of Ryzom
all the Lore officially transmitted or approved by the Ryzom Lore Team

The basic principle

The main categories are associated with portals themselves pointed by navigation templates thru Portals, and answer questions: About the game:

  • What is the game Ryzom?: the universe of Ryzom ("'THE Lore"'), and how to play it
  • What is the world I am in?: Atys, the planet, its fauna, its flora...
  • Which races will I be able to embody?: Fyros, Matis, Tryker or Zoraï.
  • What are the divine or assimilated powers of the planet, as well as the major groups that will direct my actions?: Kamis, Karavan, Rangers, Marauders, Trytonists.

Then comes the "Encyclopedia" co-managed by the players and animators:

  • The Chronicles of Atys are the official texts used as reference to describe the past
  • The Great Library, contains all the players' experience that does not necessarily fit into any of the previous subjects
  • The arcane contains the "behind the scenes" of the wiki.


With the exception of the "Forge" items, the goal is to attempt to categorize all items directly or indirectly into at least one category in the following table. It is not useful, and even harmful, to define and freeze all the categories of levels lower than those in the tables. Players and writers can create and manage the categories they want, as long as they link them to those written in the current tables and above all avoid creating "root" categories, otherwise the Sysop will integrate them where it suits best, the aim being to have some harmonization between the 5 language wikis.

All missing bricks ("category" and "template") must be written in English by default. This does not apply to old bricks already made. When two bricks co-exist, one in English the other in local, the wisest, in general, is to redirect the English brick on the local. The reason is that developers( including Sysop) are comfortable in English, but not necessarily the players / contributors.

Category:Encyclopatys 1
Category:Hilfe Category:Help Category:Ayuda Category:Aide‎ Category:Справка 2
Category:Kategorisierung Category:Categorization Category:Categorización Category:Catégorisation Category:Категоризация 2
Category:Portal Category:Portals Category:Portales Category:Portails‎ Category:Портал 2
Category:Ryzom, the game Category:Ryzom, the game Category:Ryzom, el juego Category:Ryzom, le jeu Category:Ryzom, the game 2
Template:Portal Ryzom Template:Portal Ryzom Template:Portal Ryzom Template:Portail Ryzom Template:Portal Ryzom T
Portal:Spiel Portal:Game Portal:Juego Portail:Jeu Portal:Гейм P
Category:Gameplay Category:Gameplay Category:Gameplay Category:Gameplay Category:Gameplay 3
Template:Portal Gameplay Template:Portal Gameplay Template:Portal Gameplay Template:Portail Gameplay Template:Portal Gameplay T
Portal:Gameplay Portal:Gameplay Portal:Gameplay Portail:Gameplay Portal:Gameplay P
de:Category:Kampf en:Category:Fight es:Category:Combate fr:Category:Combat ru:Category:Бороться 4
de:Template:Portal Kampf en:Template:Portal Fight es:Template:Portal Combate fr:Template:Portail Combat ru:Template:Portal Бороться T
de:Portal:Kampf en:Portal:Fight es:Portal:Combate fr:Portail:Combat ru:Portal:Бороться P
de:Category:Magie en:Category:Magic es:Category:Magia fr:Category:Magie ru:Category:Мэги 4
de:Template:Portal Magie en:Template:Portal Magic es:Template:Portal Magia fr:Template:Portail Magie ru:Template:Portal Мэги T
de:Portal:Magie en:Portal:Magic es:Portal:Magia fr:Portail:Magie ru:Portal:Мэги P
de:Category:Handwerks en:Category:Craft es:Category:Artesanía fr:Category:Artisanat ru:Category:Artisanat 4
Template:Portal Handwerks Template:Portal Craft Template:Portal Artesanía Template:Portail Craft Template:Portal Pемесленничество T
Portal:Handwerks Portal:Craft Portal:Craft Portail:Craft Portal:Pемесленничество P
Category:Ernte Category:Harvest Category:Perforación Category:Forage Category:Бурение 4
Template:Portal Ernte Template:Portal Harvest Template:Portal Perforación Template:Portail Forage Template:Portal Бурение T
Portal:Ernte Portal:Harvest Portal:Cosecha Portail:Forage Portal:Бурение P
Category:Atys‎ Category:Atys‎ Category:Atys‎ Category:Atys‎ Category:Atys‎ 2
Template:Portal Atys‎ Template:Portal Atys‎ Template:Portal Atys‎ Template:Portail Atys‎ Template:Portal Atys‎ T
Portal:Atys‎ Portal:Atys‎ Portal:Atys‎ Portail:Atys‎ Portal:Atys‎ P
Category:Gebietsansässige Category:Inhabitants Category:Habitantes Category:Habitants Category:Inhabitants 3
Template:Portal Atys‎
Template:Portal Die Große Bibliothek‎
Template:Portal Atys‎
Template:Portal The Great Library‎
Template:Portal Atys‎
Template:Portal La Gran Biblioteca
Template:Portail Atys‎
Template:Portail La Grande Bibliothèque
Template:Portal Atys‎
Template:Portal Великая Библиотека
Category:Flora Category:Flora Category:Flora Category:Flore Category:Flora 4
Template:Portal Flora Template:Portal Flora Template:Portal Flora Template:Portail Flore Template:Portal Flora T
Portal:Flora Portal:Flora Portal:Flora Portail:Flore Portal:Flora P
Category:Fauna Category:Fauna Category:Fauna Category:Faune Category:Fauna 4
Template:Portal Fauna Template:Portal Fauna Template:Portal Fauna Template:Portail Faune Template:Portal Fauna T
Portal:Fauna Portal:Fauna Portal:Fauna Portail:Faune Portal:Fauna P
de:Die Völker von Atys en:Category:Peoples of Atys es:Category:Pueblos de Atys fr:Category:Les Peuples d'Atys ru:Category:Народы Atys 4
Category:Primitiven Category:Primitives Category:Primitivos Category:Primitifs Category:Primitives 5
Template:Portal Primitiven Template:Portal Primitives Template:Portal Primitivos Template:Portail Primitif Template:Portal Primitives T
Portal:Atys/Primitiven Portal:Atys/Primitives Portal:Atys/Primitivos Portail:Atys/Primitifs Portal:Atys/Примитивные P
Category:Stämme Category:Tribes Category:Tribus Category:Tribus Category:Tribes 5
Template:Portal Stamm Template:Portal Tribe Template:Portal Tribu Template:Portail Tribu Template:Portal Племя‎ T
Portal:Atys/Stämme Portal:Atys/Tribes Portal:Atys/Tribus Portail:Atys/Tribus Portal:Atys/Племен P
Category:Zivilisation Category:Civilization Category:Civilizaciones de Atys Category:Civilisations Homines Category:Цивилизация 5
Template:Portal Zivilisation Template:Portal Civilization Template:Portal Civilización Template:Portail Civilisation Template:Portal Civilization T
Portal:Atys/Zivilisation Portal:Atys/Civilization Portal:Atys/Civilización Portail:Civilisation Portal:Atys/Цивилизация P
Category:Fyros Category:Fyros Category:Fyros Category:Fyros Category:Fyros 6
Template:Portal Fyros Template:Portal Fyros Template:Portal Fyros Template:Portail Fyros Template:Portal Fyros T
Portal:Fyros Portal:Fyros Portal:Fyros Portail:Fyros Portal:Fyros P
Category:Matis Category:Matis Category:Matis Category:Matis Category:Matis 6
Template:Portal Matis Template:Portal Matis Template:Portal Matis Template:Portail Matis Template:Portal Matis T
Portal:Matis Portal:Matis Portal:Matis Portail:Matis Portal:Matis P
Category:Tryker Category:Tryker Category:Tryker Category:Tryker Category:Tryker 6
Template:Portal Tryker Template:Portal Tryker Template:Portal Tryker Template:Portail Tryker Template:Portal Tryker T
Portal:Tryker Portal:Tryker Portal:Tryker Portail:Tryker Portal:Tryker P
Category:Zoraï Category:Zoraï Category:Zoraï Category:Zoraï Category:Zoraï 6
Template:Portal Zoraï Template:Portal Zoraï Template:Portal Zoraï Template:Portail Zoraï Template:Portal Zoraï T
Portal:Zoraï Portal:Zoraï Portal:Zoraï Portail:Zoraï Portal:Zoraï P
Category:Rangers Category:Rangers Category:Rangers Category:Rangers Category:Rangers 6
Template:Portal Rangers Template:Portal Rangers Template:Portal Rangers Template:Portail Rangers Template:Portal Rangers T
Portal:Rangers Portal:Rangers Portal:Rangers Portail:Rangers Portal:Rangers P
Category:Fraktionen Category:Factions Category:Factions Category:Factions Category:Factions 5
Template:Portal Factions Template:Portal Factions Template:Portal Factions Template:Portail Factions Template:Portal Factions T
Portal:Factions Portal:Factions Portal:Factions Portail:Factions Portal:Factions P
Category:Religion Category:Religion Category:Religión Category:Religions Category:Религия 5
Template:Portal Factions
Template:Portal Gesellschaft
Template:Portal Factions
Template:Portal Society
Template:Portal Factions
Template:Portal Sociedad
Template:Portail Factions
Template:Portail Société
Template:Portal Factions
Template:Portal Общество
Category:Kamis Category:Kamis Category:Kamis Category:Kamis Category:Kamis 6
Template:Portal Kami Template:Portal Kami Template:Portal Kami Template:Portail Kami Template:Portal Kami T
Portal:Kami Portal:Kami Portal:Kami Portail:Kami Portal:Kami P
Category:Karavan Category:Karavan Category:Karavan Category:Karavan Category:Karavan 6
Template:Portal Karavan Template:Portal Karavan Template:Portal Karavan Template:Portail Karavan Template:Portal Karavan T
Portal:Karavan Portal:Karavan Portal:Karavan Portail:Karavan Portal:Karavan P
Category:Marodeuren Category:Marauders Category:Merodeadores Category:Maraudeurs Category:Marauders 6
Template:Portal Marodeuren Template:Portal Marauders Template:Portal Merodeadores Template:Portail Maraudeurs Template:Portal Marauder T
Portal:Marodeuren Portal:Marauders Portal:Merodeadores Portail:Maraudeurs Portal:Marauders P
Category:Trytonisten Category:Trytonists Category:Trytonistas Category:Trytonistes Category:Тритонисты 6
Template:Portal Trytonisten Template:Portal Trytonists Template:Portal Trytonistas Template:Portail Trytonistes Template:Portal Тритонисты T
Portal:Trytonisten Portal:Trytonists Portal:Trytonistas Portail:Tritonystes Portal:Тритонисты P
Category:Die Große Bibliothek Category:The Great Library Category:La Gran Biblioteca Category:La Grande Bibliothèque Category:Великая Библиотека 2
Template:Portal Die Große Bibliothek Template:Portal The Great Library Template:Portal La Gran Biblioteca Template:Portail La Grande Bibliothèque Template:Portal Великая Библиотека T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek Portal:The Great Library Portal:La Gran Biblioteca Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque Portal:Великая Библиотека P
Category:Wissenschaft und Technik Category:Science and technology‏‎ Category:Ciencia y tecnología Category:Sciences et techniques Category:Наука и техника 3
Template:Portal Wissenschaften Template:Portal Sciences Template:Portal Ciencias Template:Portail Sciences Template:Portal Науки T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Wissenschaft Portal:The Great Library/Sciences Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Ciencias Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Sciences Portal:Великая Библиотека/Наука P
Category:Literatur Category:Literature Category:Literatura Category:Littérature Category:Литература 3
Template:Portal Literatur Template:Portal Literature Template:Portal Literatura Template:Portail Littérature Template:Portal Литература T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Literatur Portal:The Great Library/Literature Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Literatura Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Littérature Portal:Великая Библиотека/Литература P
Category:Gesellschaft Category:Society Category:Sociedad Category:Société Category:Общество 3
Template:Portal Gesellschaft Template:Portal Society Template:Portal Sociedad Template:Portail Société Template:Portal Общество T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Gesellschaft Portal:The Great Library/Society Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Sociedad Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Société Portal:Великая Библиотека/Общество P
Category:Homins‎ Category:Homins‎ Category:Homins‎ Category:Homins‎ Category:Homins‎ 3
Template:Portal Homins‎ Template:Portal Homins‎ Template:Portal Homins‎ Template:Portail Homins‎ Template:Portal Homins‎ T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Homins‎ Portal:The Great Library/Homins‎ Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Homins‎ Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Homins‎ Portal:Великая Библиотека/Homins‎ P
Category:Geschichte Category:History Category:Historia Category:Histoire‎ Category:История 3
Template:Portal Geschichte Template:Portal History Template:Portal Historia Template:Portail Histoire‎ Template:Portal История T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Geschichte Portal:The Great Library/History Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Historia Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Histoire‎ Portal:Великая Библиотека/История P
Category:Trödel Category:Bric-a-brac Category:Batiburillo Category:Bric-à-brac Category:Базар 3
Template:Portal Trödel Template:Portal Bric-a-brac Template:Portal Batiburillo Template:Portail Bric-à-brac Template:Portal Базар T
Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Trödel Portal:The Great Library/Bric-a-brac Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Batiburillo Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Bric-à-brac Portal:Великая Библиотека/Базар P
Category:X-files Category:X-files Category:Entresijos Category:Arcanes Category:X-files 2
Template:Portal X-files Template:Portal X-files Template:Portal Entresijos Template:Portail Arcanes Template:Portal X-files T
Portal:X-files Portal:X-files Portal:Entresijos Portail:Arcanes Portal:X-files P
Category:Archives Category:Archives Category:Archivos Category:Archives Category:Archives 3
Template:Portal Archives Template:Portal Archives Template:Portal Archivos Template:Portail Archives Template:Portal Archives T
Portal:X-files/Archives Portal:X-files/Archives Portal:Entresijos/Archivos Portail:Arcanes/Objets perdus Portal:X-files/Archives P
Category:Geheimnis Category:Mysteries Category:Misterios Category:OVNI Category:Mysteries 3
Template:Portal Geheimnis Template:Portal Mysteries Template:Portal Misterios Template:Portail OVNI Template:Portal Mysteries T
Portal:X-files/Geheimnis Portal:X-files/The_Cave Portal:Entresijos/La_Cueva Portail:Arcanes/OVNI Portal:X-files/Mysteries P
Category:Wikipatys 1
Template:Portal Wikipatys Template:Portal Wikipatys Template:Portal Wikipatys Template:Portail Wikipatys Template:Portal Wikipatys T
Portal:X-files/Wikipatys Portal:X-files/Wikipatys Portal:Entresijos/Wikipatys Portail:Arcanes/Coulisses Portal:X-files/Wikipatys P
Category:Portal Category:Portals Category:Portales Category:Portails‎ Category:Портал 2
Category:Graphic Charter Category:Graphic Charter Category:Graphic Charter Category:Charte graphique Category:Graphic Charter 2
À réordonner dans un ordre pratique: aide, atys, biblio, etc, x-files.
Puis mettre à jour dans les autres langues!!

La Lore

Sous catégorie Sous niveau ou portail
Category:Lore Template:Portail Lore
Lore Officielle‎ Toutes les pages validées par les loristes . Ces pages ne peuvent être modifiées que par des administrateurs.

Modèle:Ancienne Lore‎

Gestion technique de la Lore
To be check Articles devant être validés et protégés en écriture par les Loristes ou les Sysop (en accord avec les loristes)

Ryzom Forge

Sous catégorie Sous niveau ou portail
Category:Forge Template:Portail Forge

► 3D‎
► ARK‎
► Brainstorming‎
► Comm Marketing‎
► Comp Graphic‎
► Dev‎
► Forge Dev‎
► Forge Event‎
► Forge Lore‎
► Forge Portal‎
► Graphic‎
► Help contents‎
► Help-support‎
► Ideas‎
► K dfn sitem‎
► K item typ‎
► K primitives ryzom core‎
► K sitem typ‎
► Khaganat‎
► Level-Design‎
► Linux‎
► News‎
► Project
► Rykea‎
► Support‎
► Test‎
► Textures‎
► Translation‎
► Tutorials‎
► Wiki Admin‎

Les sous catégories sont (et doivent être) identiques dans les 5 langues.

Le Wikipatys

Sous catégorie Sous niveau ou portail

► Aide‎
► Anomalies‎
► Article à illustrer‎
► Babylon‎
Category:Catégories cachées‎
► Charte graphique‎
► Ebauche‎
► Empty‎
► Exclure lors de l'impression
► Homonymie‎
► Images‎
► Maquettes‎


► Modèle:Bandeau‎‎
► Modèle:Chartes graphiques‎‎
► Formatting templates‎‎
► Modèles Genealogiques‎‎
► Image templates‎‎
► Modèle:Infobox‎

Category:Lien portail‎‎

► Modèle:Lore‎‎
► Modèle navigation‎‎
► Modèle:Onglet‎‎
► Templates‎‎

► Obsolète‎
► Pages avec des liens de fichiers brisés‎
► Policies‎

Category:Portails‎ Category:Modèle:Portail Category:Lumière sur

► WIP‎
► À blanchir‎

Autres portails

Template:Portail Langage