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Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-06-27)

The portal of the tribes of Atys

All related articles here...ᐒᐁᐘ


Theme plan and categories

Tribes of the Burning Desert

BarkersDune RidersFrahar HuntersFraidersLawlessLeviersRenegadesScorchersWatchersWater Breakers

Tribes of the Forest

Ancient DryadsArid MatisDarkening SapEcowarriorsFirst DesertersGreen SeedMatisian Border GuardsOasis DiggersSacred SapSap SlavesSiblings of the WeedsSlash and BurnWoven Bridles

Tribes of the Lakes

BeachcombersCorsairsCuzansLagoon BrothersSilt SculptorsSlaversSmugglers

Tribes of the Jungle

AntikamisBlack CircleCompany of the Eternal TreeGibadsGoo HeadsHamazans of the Dead SeedIcon WorshippersMasters of the GooShadow RunnersTutors

Other Tribes

Tribes of the Nexus

Company of the Eternal TreeKuildeRecoverers

Tribes of the Prime Roots

ChlorogoosCockroachesFirebrandsKeepersKitin GatherersNight TurnersPyromancers Root TappersSap Gleaners

Last version 2022-01-08•
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The tribes of Atys

During your wanderings, you will meet primitive and homine tribes. It's better to find out who you're dealing with before it's too late.

Due to the fragile balance of forces on Atys, enemies of today can become allies of tomorrow, and vice versa. There is no "black and white", the stereotype of the separation of powers, where the good and the bad never change sides and the geopolitical situation is more complex than it seems.

The development of the political, social and environmental situation on the Planet depends entirely on the interaction of the Inhabitants of this world.

Barbarians, outlaws, pilgrims, fanatics, Agents Kamic' and The Karavan, Mercenaries, Secret Societies of all kinds populate Atys.

However, homins can be classified:

According to their beliefs, in factions
by allegiance:
neutrals, among which
According to their nationality or residence, which often determines their behavior towards others, but does not make it an absolute rule
The Nations: (Fyros, Matis, Trykers and Zorai)
The tribes proper
The Bandits not to be confused with the tribes.
Isolated individuals, such as hermits.

Apart from the bandits, the homins are gaining fame from each of these groups, apart from those of the bandits who are systematically hostile towards all outsiders to their group. The different groups will react to the presence of homins nearby according to this tribe fame (cf: app "fametracker") which varies according to the missions and actions performed.

Last version 2022-01-10•

Featured article

Amber: Tribes of Atys

Island ᐅ Nexus ᐉ
Sub-continent Island
Region Nexus
Race(s) Zoraï
Faction Kami
Do-Vi Liangi, Tribe Chief.
Notables see § Tribe Members ᐌ
Enemies Kuilde


The Recoverers [1] are an environmental tribe of Zoraï devoted to the Kami and operating in Nexus. Though they war with the devout Karavan followers of The Kuild, they are otherwise fairly tolerant and welcome visitors of any race into their camp as long as they do not oppose the Kami.

Tribe Members


  • Tribe Chief  : Do-Vi Liangi
  • Tribe Outpost Officer : Ba-Nung Guai
  • Tribe Welcomer : Kai-Feo Duai
  • Outlands Supplier : Pu-Fu Geng
  • Master Overseer : Pu-Fu Dao
  • Master Guards  : 21


  • Ambassador  : Recoverers Kami Ambassador

Wandering the region

  • Hunter  : Gai-Guan Fa
  • Prospector  : Gai-Guan Zhao, (stationed west of the camp)


  • Scout  : Deutheus Xalon
  • Scout  : Pei-Jen Jeoi


  • Pants, Vest & Sleeves : White
  • Boots & Gloves  : Red
  • Hair  : Blond (Zoraï)


Fyros -16
Matis -33
Tryker -33
Zoraï +16

Related Stories

Back to Tribes of Atys

  1. Jump up On Leanon and Aniro the Recoverers are known as the "Recyclers".

Last version 2021-10-06•

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All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC


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