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fr:Manuel de l'utilisateur/Renommée, Factions, Allégeance
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: FR and EN pages are too far (to harmonize)... (Craftjenn, 2025-01-02)

Fame is a measure of how much an NPC likes or hates you. Fame is important for you because it determines how NPCs will behave with you:

  • Mission giver NPCs can give or refuse to give missions to you.
  • The fees related to services that you may earn or have to pay may be affected by your fame.
  • Guards may even attack you if your fame is too low[1]. On the opposite, they will defend if you are attacked by animals or NPCs when your fame is good enough.

In game you have access to your fame in the fame window which opens with ⇧F (shift F).

A fame is measured by a number between −100 and +100. It is represented by a colored bar in which colors represent the attitude of the concerned community towards you. Depending on the service, there might be other thresholds (see below). Guilds also have fames, and your guild's fame is shown in the same window as yours. It has, at the moment, much less less importance with gameplay than the individual one. See the Guild page for more information about it.

-100 -50 -30 0 50 to 100
Agressive Neutral Trading Rewarded missions

Note: ? mean unknowed. Ir doesn't means 0, there be careful...

There are three different Fame types:

Fame is gained by competing various missions from different mission givers, who are aligned with tribes, races or factions.

It is important to note that by gaining fame with a nation or a tribe, you will gain fame with allied factions but also lose some fame with the opposing factions. This because of the complex geopolitcs on Atys. But don't worry, the amount of fame you may loose is much lower than the one you gain!

Some NPCs escape this general rule to allow characters whose fame became too low to recover fame :scouts, patrollers and journeymen. They have no lower threshold to give missions and usually wander all over the regions, outside the places where the characters can be attacked. In EncyclopAtys pages, they are called “affiliates” to a tribe or a nation. Higher powers region hosts and tribe ambassadors do not have a lower fame limit too.

Moniq's App Fame Tracker is very useful to plan your fame progresses,view all the default fames of your character and many other useful information.

Citizenship and Alignment

Main article: Alignment

A character or guild can align themselves with one of the four nations as well as one of the two higher powers, stay neutral as the rangers or tritonists or oppose all and become a Marauder . Aligning oneself to either will adjust your fame caps accordingly for the faction's enemies and allies, i.e. higher caps for allies and lower caps for enemies. Your fame with a faction will automatically be lowered, if during alignment your fame for that faction is higher than the new cap, e.g. upon completion of the Karavan initiation rite your Kami fame will be adjusted to -50 and you will be considered anathema to the Kami.


Neutral means that a character or guild chose not to align themselves with any race or higher power. At any point a character or guild can renounce their alignment to a race or higher power and become neutral, this will remove any fame caps they incurred while they were aligned. If fame for a faction was over 50 before renouncing alignment, then the fame will be automatically lowered to 50 as soon as alignment is renounced.

Marauders, Rangers and Trytonists are “neutral” factions from this point of view.

Initial Fame

Higher Powers
Race Kami Karavan
Fyros 10 -10
Matis -20 20
Tryker -10 10
Zoraï 20 -20
Nation Fame
Fyros Matis Tryker Zoraï
Fyros 20 -20 -10 10
Matis -20 20 10 -10
Tryker -10 10 20 -20
Zoraï 10 -10 -20 20

Once aligned with a Nation, you will have certain caps on your Fame values with the Nations.

Maximum Fame with
Chosen Nation Fyros Matis Tryker Zorai
Fyros 100 0 25 75
Matis 0 100 75 25
Tryker 25 75 100 0
Zorai 75 25 0 100


Teleporter Pacts (TP)

Main article: Teleporters

Teleporter Pacts or TPs are “tickets” that can be bought at any of the higher powers' altars that allows you to teleport back to the altar you purchased it at. Fame has little effect on which bark teleporter pacts you can get. Each bark region of level lower or equal to 200 has at least[4] one “neutral ” teleporter. by neutral we mean accessible to everyone but higher powers enemies e.g. the Marauders. Higher level regions teleporters as well as Prime Roots ones can be used only by aligned people.

Additionally, people aligned with Ma'Duk can only use Kami TPs and people aligned with the Cult of Light can only use Karavan TPs. When their fame reaches some limits they also benefit of free transportation, automatic pact renewal and even a special animation. (TO BE IMPROVED)

Marauder's Zinuakeens

Marauders have their own transport system : which can be activated with a special crystal. Only Marauders can use them

Rangers' “Tunnels”

To access higher level regions and Prime Roots, ranger can use a magnetic amber or a magnetized amber map which they get when they succeed the Ranger Aspirant and Ranger rites.

Only rangers can use them.

To New Horizons Transporters

Fame affects the way the transporters behave with you, though they will never refuse to transport you (if you can reach them). Giving them occupation products is a very efficient way to improve nation fames. Refer to the To New Horizons page for more details.

Merchant Prices

Your fame with each of the 4 races determines how much their merchants will pay for your goods and how much you'll have to pay for their goods. The higher your fame with the Fyros, the better the prices you'll get from Fyros merchants, and similarly for all other races.

This also applies to wandering hawkers of that race, regardless of which land they're in. It also applies to stable boys (who sell mounts and packers) and to faction items merchants (even though they have their prices in faction points instead of dappers). It does not apply to buying apartments or guild halls, those always have the same price.

This does not affect prices when selling to or buying from other players through the merchants.

Price you get when you
Fame buy from NPC sell to NPC
100 100.00% 100.00%
80 104.50% 95.50%
60 109.00% 91.00%
40 113.50% 86.50%
20 118.00% 82.00%
0 122.50% 77.50%
-20 127.00% 73.00%
-30 129.25% 70.75%
[-50 to -30] Trading impossible Trading impossible
Below -50 Trading impossible Trading impossible

Tribal Fame

Main article: Tribe fame

Tribes may be allied, neutral or ennemies of a nation, even in it's own territory. This limits the nation's control over their territories, and makes the Geopolitics rather complex. Accomplishing missions with tribes may have, as a consequence, an effect on nation fame and other tribes one, depending on their diplomatic relations.

Tribe 's aggressivity and trading abilites obey to the same rules as the nations' ones.
Apart from any political aspect, improving tribe fame may be useful to the wandering homin, since they will defend against aggressive animals or bandits people they like...

Guild Fame

Guilds have also fames regarding the four nations and the four factions. It reflects the fame of its members, and the higher the member rank, the higher it influences the guild's one.

Just as players can align themselves with a Faction and a nation, so can Guilds. A Guild can be Neutral/Kami/Karavan, and also Neutral/Fyros/Matis/Tryker/Zorai. Again, the Faction alignment has no effect on the nation alignment but Ranger and maraudeur factions which both prohibit any nation alignment.

Guild Fame has, at the moment, no influence on gameplay but onto its members.

Guilds may purchase a Guildhall in any capital city the marauders who can only have their halls in the marauder place(s) since the nations are aggresive with them.

The alignment of a Guild determines which Homins may or may not join the Guild. Since this can sometimes be tricky to get your head round (and to explain) I'll explain it in two ways; from the Guild's point of view, and from the player's point of view:

  1. A character who is Faction aligned can only enter a Guild of that Faction.
    A neutral character can join any Guild.
  2. A neutral Guild can only have neutral characters in it (especially marauder and ranger ones).
    A Guild which is Faction aligned may have neutral characters, or characters who are aligned the same as the Guild.

The same goes for nation alignment, but with the nation instead of the Faction

To align with a Faction or nation, the Guild leader must go to an NPC (at the temple of in the capital city, near to the ones for player alignment) and follow the NPCs instructions. Like for players, the Guild needs to have 30 Guild Fame. If the Guild Fame drops below 0 with the nation or Faction it is aligned with, it will automatically become neutral or nation-neutral (depending on which Fame value dropped below 0). Any player who is incompatible with the neutrality of the Guild (ie any player who is aligned with a nation or faction, depending on which Fame value dropped) will automatically become of Unspecified status (see notes below).

See also

links on forum

  1. Jump up Below -50
  2. Jump up Rangers fame doesn't exist in game yet.
  3. Jump up Tritonists is only a RP faction at the moment
  4. Jump up In some regions both Kami and Karavan teleporters are “neutral”

Last version 2025-01-02•