de:Zig en:Zig es:Zig fr:Zig ru:Зиг
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2023-03-26)

Gubani mount, and Zig on right

Zigs are pets that are supposed to be able to follow you everywhere.

You can win a Gubani (to be ridden) and a Zig at the Wheel of Fortune. In addition to the mount and the packers mektoubs, you can have up to 3 active Zigs. They are managed a bit like a toub (they have an inventory with maximum bulk of 150, they can be killed, stored in the stable...).

Several types of zigs are in-game:

Zigs' special features

Rename your zig

Use your elyps.png

It is possible, with a few Elyps, to rename your Zig (or your Mektoubs). The change is made at a stableman (Rewards and services).

It is possible to:

Choose a name

Cost: 1000 Elyps.

Restrictions on the name
- 24 characters maximum
- As many spaces as desired (no limitation on the number - e.g. "Zig Newton" or "Toub number One" will be accepted)
- any alphanumeric character as well as ' # - .
- the name must of course comply with the names charter

Register a title

Aeksam and his zigs
Cost: 100 Elyps

The title is, by choice:

− (Mount, mektoub or) Zig from <your_name>,
− Gift of <your_name>,
− Faithful companion.

Have the pet registered under a random name

Cost: 50 Elyps


Like toubs - maybe even more often than toubs? - we look for them, we don't know where they went...

Better quit near stables or near your apartment.

Better to keep it in stable or close to it or in your bag , if you don't like, as me, spend too much time to find it... </blockquote>

F2P or free account

As a reminder, only one mektoub (and no apartment).

Special Zig

On Silan, towards Chiang the Strong, you can see/pet Arionasis's Zig, to honour the memory of Arionasis/Teeneemai, more on the ceremony.

Notes and links

  1. Patch 00899
  2. Patch 00949
  3. There are only 3 places for the pasture, make sure to keep a free one for exchanges...

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Last version 2025-01-25•
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