Difference between revisions of "Portal:The Great Library/Sciences"

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(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}
|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}
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|FR=Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Sciences
|FR=Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Sciences
|RU=Портал:Великая Библиотека/Наука
|RU=Портал:Великая Библиотека/Наука
<div style="text-align:center;">
<div style="text-align:center;">
{{3DText|3D=outset|text=<span style="font-size:large;font-variant: small-caps;font-weight: bold;">'''''The portal of the Great Library of Atys'''''</span>}}
<!--gallery mode="nolines">
File: xxx.jpg
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''The portal of the Great Library of Atys'''</big></big></big>}}
{{In Category
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big>'''Science and technology'''</big></big>}}
|Science and technology
|Portal:Sciences/Related articles
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big>'''[[:Category: Science and technology|All related articles here...ᐒᐁᐘ]]'''</big>}}
|URL-1=Portal:The Great Library/Sciences
|URL-1=Portal:The Great Library/Sciences
|bg_Tab-1=#fcc;background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f66,#f96)
|Tab-2={{3DText|text='''Imperial Academy'''}}
|Tab-2={{3DText|text='''Imperial Academy'''}}
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|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark}}
|bord=2px solid #{{ColorAtys|type=dark|group=karavan}}
<!--    HEADER        -->
Here you will find what is related to science, technology and the arts. Each nation has developed its own knowledge-gathering, standards-setting and research management organizations. An independent organization, in neutral territory, tries to share knowledge for all Atysians.
<!--    LEFT        -->
<!--     RIGHT        -->
================== PLAN / CATEGORIES
================== План и / или категории
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Theme plan and categories'''}}
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/Plan}}
============== В ГОЛОВЕ  - ЗАГОЛОВОК (intro)
============== MEMBRETE
============== HEADER/SUMMARY
============== IM KOPF
|title= {{3DText|text='''INTRO'''}}
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/Intro}}
<div style="text-align:center;"><br/>
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Featured article'''</big></big></big>}}
<!--{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''General presentation'''</big></big></big>}}-->
<!--     BOTTOM        -->
{{Portal bottom|}}
<!--{{:Featured article/GBA/Sciences/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Featured article/GBA/Sciences/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}
{{:Portal GBA/Sciences/Presentation}}-->
{{:Spotlight on/GBA/Sciences/Week/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
============== Empfohlener Artikel
============== Artículo destacado
============== Featured article
============== Lumière sur
============== СТАТЬИ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ (Lumière sur/Spotlight on)
•••••••••••••••••••• TO BE READ, VERY IMPORTANT
In each of the three main panels we can display:
— either a FIXED TEXT, unchanging from one day to the next.
    Incorporated into the portal via the {{ContentBox}} template, this text can be:
      • written directly in the portal. Example: the text ”*'''[[Alinea]]''' - a needle-bearing tree, often comes [...] according to variety.“ constantly displayed in the right panel — see below — of the present portal.
      • the complete reproduction of an article composed especially for the portal. Example: the same article [[:Myths Flora]] displayed constantly, by the inclusion {{:Myths Flora}}), in the same panel.
      • created by adapting an official article (validated by the lorists) to the dimensions of the portal (by truncating it with the insertion of a "Read more about it…" (template {{Read more}}), by resizing the pictures it contains; in order to simplify its management, all these articles intended to be adapted for display in a portal are named "Portal [portal name]/[article subject]". Example: the same beginning of the article [[Portal Flora/Intro]] displayed continuously, by the inclusion {{:Portal Flora/Intro}}, in the header panel — see above — of the present portal.
— or (that's "smarter"!) a DIFFERENT TEXT EVERY DAY.
    Representative of the articles gathered by the portal, and also incorporated by using {{ContentBox}}, it is based on an article:
      • named [[Featured article/[portal name]/[Month] or[Week]/[date] or [day of the week]]];
      • classified in the hidden category [[Category:Featured article/[portal name]]], itself classified in the hidden category [[Category:Model:Portal]];
      • and included in the panel by {{:Featured article/[portal name]/Week/{{{CURRENTDOW}}}, or by "{{:Featured article/[portal name]/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}.
    It's about, finally:
      • either the pure and simple copy of an article thanks to a redirection. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flora/Month/12}} of article [[Featured article/Flora/Month/12]] — worded as follows: Direct #redirect [[Pocea]] [[Category:Featured article/Flora]] — will display the article [[Pocea]] in the left panel - see FEATURED ARTICLE above - of the present portal.
      • or an article written expressly and updated regularly so that a particular announcement concerning the portal is periodically displayed. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flore/Month/01}} of article [[Featured article/Flore/Month/01]] written accordingly could display in the same panel the number of articles added to the present portal during the past month.
============== UNTEN AUF DER SEITE
============== BOTTOM
============== BAJO DE PAGINA
============== BAS DE PAGE
============== НИЖНИЙ КОЛОНТИТУЛ
-->{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|THEME}}<!--
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;">
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|group=THEME|text=<big><big><big>'''''Expand'' for additional research and work notes  '''</big></big></big>}}
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
================== ИНФОРМАЦИЮ
================== NOTES
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/Notes}}
|palette= THEME
================== 2DO
================== Задачи (2do)
|image  = Script_edit.png
|title={{3DText|group=xyz|3D=inset|text=To do}}
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/2do}}
|palette= THEME
================== ARCHIVES / CATEGORIES
|image= Spe_inventory.png
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/Archives}}
|palette= THEME
================== MORE INFO
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''More to know'''}}
|content={{:Portal GBA/Sciences/More}}
|palette= THEME
[[Category: Portals]]

Latest revision as of 13:37, 13 July 2022

The Great Library Sciences Literature Society Homins History Bric-a-brac
de:Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Wissenschaft
en:Portal:The Great Library/Sciences
es:Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Ciencias
fr:Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Sciences
ru:Портал:Великая Библиотека/Наука
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-07-13)

The portal of the Great Library of Atys

Science and technology

All related articles here...ᐒᐁᐘ

Sciences Imperial Academy Royal Academy The FISHES society Community Wa Kwaï N'ASA

Theme plan and categories

The scientific communities of Atys

Last version 2020-10-08•
Ico task rite.png


Here you will find what is related to science, technology and the arts. Each nation has developed its own knowledge-gathering, standards-setting and research management organizations.

Last version 2020-10-06•

Featured article

Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-07-13)

Luciogram or Lucio :

Name, (ˈluːsiːoʊ, lussio); Name of the images obtained by luciography, a technology invented by Paera Ama Din Covee in 2525 AJ. Lucios are made exclusively from Atys organic materials, in an environmentally friendly and "magic-free" way.

Luciograph :

Name; "Firefly box", name of the device that makes it possible to make lucios (luciograms).


"Name"; Image capture technique invented by Paera Ama Din Covee allowing to capture in an almost instantaneous way and in color everything that the homin sees in almost any situation. The discovery was published in a 2525 AJ article in "la Nouvelle Feuille d'Atys"(the New Atys Sheet), one of the first newspapers of the Bark.

More on Luciography.

Luciographic :

adjective; which refers to luciography.

Last version 2022-02-17•

Spe labs.png
All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC

  Expand for additional research and work notes   



A strange science, magic

The art of magic was taught long ago to the Homins by the KamiS. Lao reasons why these creatures with immense powers had to teach part of it remain the subject of controversy among the initiates, including Matis, but the most commonly accepted is related to the fight against Goo.

Magic is the art of manipulating sap according to a particular initiation and ancestral knowledge. It allows you to imprint your will on the vital energy that irrigates everything in Atys, and thus modify appearance, nature or behavior .

See more about the dedicated portal .

Last version 2020-10-08•
Script edit.png

To do

Updating representative pages

Choose 7 representative pages of the 7 scientific centers:

Theme Chosen page Status ( to make or changer;
good for now)
Elias and so forth Time
Fyros Year Off the point
Matis Jewels lesson Off the point?
Tryker Lucio
Zoraï Amber Cubes
Merodeadores, aso Amber Cubes Off the point
Rangers Kitins' Lair
Last version 2020-10-11•
Spe inventory.png


Last version 2020-10-07•

More to know

Last version 2020-10-07•