Chronicles of Atys (imported)
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The last editing was from Dorothée on 19.08.2021.
The last editing was from Dorothée on 19.08.2021.
wikified Page ===>>>>>>The Chronicles of Atys
- 1 Chronicles of Atys
- 1.1 Before the Great Swarming
- 1.2 Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY).
- 1.3 Chronicles of the New Beginning - _From 2484 to 2525._
- 1.4 Chronicles of the New Beginning - _Since 2525._
- 1.4.1 Erlan's Chronicles
- 1.4.2 Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- 1.4.3 Chronicles of the Burning Desert
- 1.4.4 Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- 1.4.5 Chronicles of the Witherings
- 1.4.6 Trytonist chronicles
- 1.4.7 Marauders chronicles
- 1.4.8 Chronicles linked to the Temple War
- 1.4.9 Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed
- 1.4.10 Diverse chronicles
- 1.4.11 Anlor Winn Tales
- 1.4.12 Atysmas Tales
Chronicles of Atys
Before the Great Swarming
Fire of Coriolis
- The Fever of Discovery, as told by Apocasus Menix, Fyros chronicler.
- The Siege of Karavia, as told by Pergio Vasti, a Matis military-chronicler.
- The Company of Loria, as told by Derry O'Darren, Tryker chronicler.
- The Youth of Loria, narrated by Ailan Mac'Kean, young girl of Loria.*New chronicle!
- The Assassination of Loria, extract of the journal of Dissan Mac'rinin, entered (2436) II, Harvestor 28
- The Liberation of the Trykers, narrated by Derry O' Darren, Tryker chronicler *New chronicle!*
Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY).
Massacre and flight
- A Kitin Story, or how did it begin in 2481 (JY)?:
- Monsoon Sunset, a forbidden love, in 2481 (JY).
- My Karavan Guardian, story told by an old matis female.
- The Kitin Song, a song about Kitins.
The return of Hope
- First Chronicle _COMING SOON..._
- New Day, _COMING SOON..._
- Opportunity awaits !, _a song written by the Tryker Kerman Aeron._
Chronicles of the New Beginning - _From 2484 to 2525._
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- The Secrets of Tryker engineering, _revalations of the Zoraï engineer Guni To-Sa._
- A Flyner Escape, _Chronicle of an episode in the life of Rosen Ba’Darins, by chronicler Derry O’Darren in 2486(JY)_ *New chronicle!*
Story of a young Corsair, _about the youth of legendary fighter Bremmen O'Derry:_
Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- A little bedtime story, _the legend of Zachini and the Karavan._
- Ciochini Learns of His Heritage _legend told by a grandmother on Aniro I, old Matis King._
- Crysalis, _written in 2514 by Baldi Dalia on facts happened in 2506(JY)_
- Screaming Shadows, _from Ridio Sillia, itinerant bard, around 2513 (JY)._
Chronicles of the Witherings
- Tears of Serenity, legend of the foundation of Zoran.
- The Crying Mektoub, legend from before the Great Swarming.
- The Stance of Daïsha, legend during the reign of the Great Sage Lin Cho
- Mabreka, a story told by Gangi Cheng-Ho, an old Zoraï sage, concerning the events in the year 2485 (JY).
Chronicles of the New Beginning - _Since 2525._
Erlan's Chronicles
- Preface to Chronicles, _Erlan, Chronicler_ *New chronicle!*
- The Revelation of Tryton, _about the first apparition of the Guild of Elias in 2528 (JY)._
- The Call from the Powers, _about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- The Dunes of Aelius, _about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Forgotten Places, _about the Temple War in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Kitins Stir... Homins! Prepare!, _Erlan, Chronicler, The Columns of Erlan, on 2544 CA III_ *New chronicle!*
- Spring, when tents blossomed, _about the building of the camps in 2546 (JY), AC I._
- Annex to Spring, when flowers bloom, _transcripts of the speeches of the leaders._
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous
- Ardan Keale, Tryker Entomologist, _interview of Ardan Keale_ *New chronicle!*
- A Tryker wedding story, _interview of an old Tryker dame, from about 2525 (JY)._
- Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker, _interview with a decent tryker about the Temple War, from about 2530 (JY)_
- The Traveller returns _little before the election of Ailan Mac'Kean, in 2533 (JY)._
- Tryker Constitution _COMING SOON..._
- Lady Chiabre's Social Diary, _between the assassination of Still Wyler and the election of Ailan Mac'Kean, from about 2533 (JY)._
- Lady Chiabre's Social Diary - Part Two, _between the assassination of Still Wyler and the election of Ailan Mac'Kean, from about 2533 (JY)._
Chronicles of the Burning Desert
Story of a young Fyros, _the meeting of a Fyros with a Kami, date unknown:_
- Ibian Peldix, bark Sculptor, _interview with a Fyros bark sculptor, from about 2525 (JY)._
- Dexius Apokos Fyros Genadier, _interview from around 2525 (JY)._
- Menia Pyron, fiancée Fyros, _interview of a young fiancée Fyros, from about 2525 (JY)._
- Interview with Lekos Daraan, tribe chief of the Watchers., _interview with a Fyros tribe leader, from about 2525 (JY)._
- The Mystery of the Renegades, _interview with the leader of the Renegades, a Fyros tribe, from about 2525 (JY)._
- Meeting with the new Senator Dios Apotheps, _meeting with Dios Apotheps in 25?? (JY)._
- A New Face, _COMING SOON..._
Chronicles of the Verdant Heights
- An Interview with Cuiccio Perinia, _an interview from around 2525 (JY)._
- Bebi Cuirinia, royal Embalmer, _interview probably done in 2529 (JY)._
- Viero, young married matis, _interview with a Matis in 2525 (JY)._
- Fight for Praise, _chronicles of the time of the King Yrkanis by Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Historian._ *New chronicle!*
- Autumn, _chronicles of the time of King Yrkanis by Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Historian_ *New chronicle!*
- Foul Fruit, _chronicles of the time of King Yrkanis by Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Historian._ *New chronicle!*
- The Tear, _COMING SOON..._
- Melario Estriano history of a Matis, _COMING SOON..._
Chronicles of the Witherings
- Cioi Ba-Nung Tattooist for Homins _interview from around 2525 (JY)._
- A Zorai Wedding, _interview of a future-maried Zoraï female, from about 2525 (JY)._
- Yi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal, _interview done a short time before the Temple War, about 2529 (JY)._
- Unfortunate Night, _Written by a Zoraï copywriter in 2536(JY)_ *New chronicle!*
- Equal to Atys, _Chronicle extracted from the Notebooks of Wan Fai-Du, in the 4th AC of 2539(JY)_ *New chronicle!*
- A Fateful Hunt, _without date, about the memories of a Zoraï._
- Tribes of the Witherings and Goo, _cube of amber acquired in 2544(JY)_
- Teleportation Sickness,
Trytonist chronicles
- In The Beginning, _various extracts of "very confused memories" of Shrewd Gibbaï, seeker of Elias._ *New chronicle!*
- A new Seeker of Elias, _COMING SOON..._
- Hiaoi, seeker of Elias, _interview with Hiaoi, seeker of Elias. _Excerpt from Volume 1, "In the Shadow of Tao Sian", written by Kuangi Wu Shi in the winter of 2574._
Marauders chronicles
- Stabre Sicco, Marauder Prisoner, _very interesting interview about the Marauders..._
- The misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan, _about 2530 (JY) during the Temple War._
Chronicles linked to the Temple War
_Events evolving in the years 2530-2531 JY._
- The Call from the Powers, _about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- The Dunes of Aelius, _about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Forgotten Places, _about the Temple War, in 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker, _interview with a decent tryker, fomr about 2530 (JY), about the Temple War_
- Announcement of the construction of the Karavan Temple, _COMING SOON..._
- Fao the Zoraï, _about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Arty Mac Keaggan tells us about the Zora sanctuary, _about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Arty Mac Keaggan tells us about the outlying areas of Zora, _about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY)._
- Mac Keaggan tells of his meeting in Zora, _about the Temple War 2530-2531 (JY)._
In Jena's light:
Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed
_Events evolving in the years AC II 2546 to 25## JY._
- Erlan Chronicle : Spring, when tents blossomed, about the building of the camps, in AC II 2546 JY.
- Annex to Spring, when tents blossomed, transcripts of the speeches of the leaders.
- For a Few Dappers More, _about compensating the suppliers, AC II 2546 JY._
Diverse chronicles
- The Shadow Runners, interview with the Shadow Runners, about 2525 (JY).
- The Mektoub Affair, The investigations of Mac'leaffy Roner.
- The Memoirs of Kedgy Be'Cauny, date unkown.
- The Legend of the Blue Ocyx, beautiful legend, date unkown.
- When Jena Comes, poem about the coming of Jena, date unknown.
- A Very Special Drink, _he secret of the Anichios Mead, unknown date.
The Circle of Darkness, _the meeting between a Tribe Chief and a Homin:
- First part (The Circle of Darkness)
- Second part (The Circle of Darkness)
- Clandestine Attack *New chronicle!*
- An Ancient Conflict *New chronicle!*
- Bloody Dusk *New chronicle!*
The Kami of the Lost Souls, _the adventures of a young Karavaneer in the Nexus:
The Followers, _series about the voyage of two families, Tryker and Zoraï, through the Old Lands and their arrival in the New Lands with the refugees, about 2525 (JY):_
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
- Part Four
- Part Five
- Part Six
- Part Seven
- Part Eight
- Part Nine and the End
Anlor Winn Tales
- The Legend of the Ghost Yubo, _legend told by an Old Tryker during Anlor Winn Story Tales in the 3rd CA of 2575._
Atysmas Tales
- The Gingo Who Ate the Sun, _legend told by Lutrykin during Atysmas Story telling, 3rd CA 2576._