The Traveller returns

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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Dorothée, 23.02.2022
de:Die Rückkehr des Reisenden
en:The Traveller returns
fr:Le retour du Voyageur
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-02-23)

Arty Mac Keaggan left his animals at the stable and continued on foot towards the tavern. He had returned with goods from Zorai and had paused in the Tryker capital of Fairhaven on his way. There, he learned many new rumors and wild speculations about who would be the candidates for the upcoming election for governor.

- "Hello Naroy" he greeted the barman with a smile.

- "Welcome back home" the barman replied. "The usual?"

A small nod from Arty was enough and Naroy Ba'Dardan went to work. Only a little later he placed a fresh beer in front of Arty.

- "What news did you bring from the jungle?" Naroy asked, while Arty took a big mouthful of beer. Arty replaced the glass, now half-empty after one sip, wiped the beer-foam from his mouth with his hand, and sighed deeply with content. "There is not much happening in Zorai lately. All is quiet. I was not able to sell all my goods, either".

- "The Lakeland, however, are like a bee-hive lately" the friendly barman replied.

- "Tell me about it?” encouraged the barman to go on. "It seems that the time for the election of a new governor is coming soon. Not only are messengers busy all over the lakelands, but also more and more reporters from other lands are arriving every day."

- "Good for your business" Arty said with a grin. "And also for yours" Naroy was also smiling.

After Arty had emptied his glass and received a new one, he was asked by one of the other guests: "You stopped in Fairhaven, didn't you? How are things over in the capital?"

- "I can only confirm Naroy's observations. Fairhaven is all busy with the preparations for the upcoming elections for the new governor."

- "Any word about who the candidates will be?" "Only rumors so far. It seems certain that Lady Ailan will be a candidate. There's also talk about Shaley Nara and Roggan Adgan running for office. But we will know more after the official presentation of the candidates."

- "Hoho", came from a stately bejeweled Fyros, sitting at a table encircled by a group of fawning women. I will simply vote for the prettiest woman for governor and afterwards flutter my eyes at her." He laughed raucously and let a woman feed him some berries.

- "But you are not allowed to cast a vote", came from a neighbouring table. "Actually he will be allowed" Arty corrected, " from what I heard from an officer with whom I talked in the Fairhaven tavern, not only will Tryker people by birth be allowed to vote, but also homins of other races, provided they have since become permanent residents of the lakelands."

The discussion about this was short. Soon the talk went on about less serious topics and when someone finally began a funny song, all thoughts about politics moved further into the background.

  conversation between Naroy the Barman and Arty Mac Keaggan.

The Chronicles of Atys  
HistoryChronicles Overview
Before the Great Swarming  
Fire of Coriolis

The Fever of DiscoveryThe Siege of KaraviaThe Company of LoriaThe Youth of LoriaThe Assassination of LoriaThe Liberation of the Trykers

Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)  
Massacre and flight

A Kitin StoryMonsoon SunsetMy Karavan GuardianThe Kitin Song

The return of Hope

First ChronicleNew DayOpportunity Awaits

Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)  
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

The Secrets of Tryker engineeringA Flyner EscapeThe Story of a Young Corsair

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

A Little Lore at BedtimeCiochini learns of His HeritageChrysalisScreaming Shadows

Chronicles of the Witherings

Tears of SerenityThe Crying MektoubThe Stance of DaïshaMabreka

Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)  
Erlan's Chronicles

Preface to ChroniclesRevelation of TrytonThe Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesKitins Stir... Homins! Prepare!Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomed

Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

Ardan KealeA Tryker wedding storyWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerThe Traveller returnsTryker ConstitutionLady Chiabre's Social Diary

Chronicles of the Burning Desert

Story of a Young FyrosIbian Peldix, bark SculptorDexius Apokos, Fyros GenadierMenia Pyron, engaged FyrosInterview with Lekos DaraanThe Mystery of the RenegadesMeeting with the new Senator Dios ApothepsA New Face

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

An Interview with Cuiccio PeriniaBebi Cuirinia, royal EmbalmerViero, young married matisTo fight to exaltAutumnFoul FruitsThe TearMelario Estriano, history of a Matis

Chronicles of the Witherings

Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for HominsA Zorai WeddingYi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal TreeUnfortunate NightEqual to AtysThe Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful HuntTribes of the Witherings and GooTeleportation Sickness

Trytonist chronicles

In The BeginningA new Seeker of EliasHiaoi, seeker of Elias

Marauders chronicles

Stabre Sicco, Marauder PrisonerThe misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan

Chronicles linked to the Temple War

The Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerAnnouncement of the construction of the Karavan TempleFao the ZoraïTales of Mac KeagganIn Jena's light

Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed

Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomedFor a Few Dappers More

Diverse chronicles

Out of SlaveryThe Mektoub AffairThe Memoirs of Kedgy Be'CaunyThe Legend of the Blue OcyxWhen Jena ComesA Very Special DrinkThe Circle of DarknessClandestine AttackAn Ancient ConflictBloody DuskThe Kami of the Lost SoulsThe Followers

Special chronicles

The Legend of the Ghost YuboThe Gingo Who Ate the Sun

Lore migrated
The original of this page is: in Category:WikiMerged
This page is an official text of the animation that has been made public.