Bebi Cuirinia, royal Embalmer

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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Leda, 15.04.2022
de:Bebi Cuirinia, Kƶnigliche Einbalsamiererin en:Bebi Cuirinia, royal Embalmer fr:Bebi Cuirinia, Embaumeuse Royale
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2022-04-15)

With war threatening to break out, we decided to pay a visit to someone directly connected to coming eventsā€¦

Reporter: Good day Lady Cuirinia, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Could you please introduce yourself?

Bebi Cuirinia: My name is Bebi Cuirinia and I have the immense honour of being the royal embalmer.

Reporter: Where do you perform your duties?

Bebi Cuirinia: In Yrkanis of course! Where do you think? A whole floor of the great greenhouse is dedicated to caring for the dead.

Reporter: Excuse our ignorance butā€¦ what exactly does your job involve?

Bebi Cuirinia: I prepare for their final journey those whose seed has incurably withered.

Reporter: Erā€¦ in other words?

Bebi Cuirinia: Well, there are two stages to our work. When a person whose sap has dried up is brought to us, our first task is to make them presentable for those who loved them. The body is also treated so that it doesnā€™t start to rot in the days to come. Many people appreciate being able to have a last look at their loved one so that the image of their beauty may be forever engraved in their hearts. There are rooms under the fountain set aside especially for that purpose. Once the living have been able to say a final farewell to their late relative, we treat the body in order to extract its essence.

Reporter: Meaning?

Bebi Cuirinia: I donā€™t really like to discuss technique, but if you insistā€¦ The deceased is placed for several days in a funerary cocoon prepared through the genetic manipulation of several plants. The sap of the homin is then gradually collected in a pouch in the cocoon. The length of the process varies depending on the size of the body. When the cocoon reopens, thereā€™s nothing left but the sap, the homin having been entirely reduced to their essence.
Itā€™s an extremely delicate operation to carry out successfully. The cocoon requires around-the-clock care and surveillance to make sure it doesnā€™t open too early.

Reporter: What do you do with the sap that you collect?

Bebi Cuirinia: You donā€™t know? The sap is given back to the family of course.

Reporter: What do the families do with the sap?

Bebi Cuirinia: The families collect the sap of their ancestors to incorporate into their houses. Itā€™s a way of carrying on their memory. In the old lands, very old families could live within walls which were themselves ā€œinhabitedā€ by dozens of their ancestors! Unfortunately, with the great exodus all those houses were lost. That was a significant trauma for we Matis. In losing our homes, we also lost our memories.

Reporter: The Matis must never want to move home then!

Bebi Cuirinia: Itā€™s often heartbreaking for a Matis to move house. To ease the sorrow, itā€™s traditional when moving to bleed the roots of the old home in order to pass some of the ancestral sap onto the new home.

Reporter: And Royal remains, are they integrated into the kingā€™s palace?

Bebi Cuirinia: Not exactly. Actually, the sap of the Royal ancestors runs through the tree supporting the throne room. That way, the current sovereign continues to be guided by the light and wisdom of the kings who preceded him.
I had the immense honour of being able to take care of our dear departed Yasson whose sap is with his son and whose soul is in the company of Jena.

Reporter: So all the Matis that die will always be a part of Yrkanisā€¦

Bebi Cuirinia: Hmm, no. You seem to be unaware of this, but the technique is reserved exclusively for a deserving elite. The others are simply buried in a cemetery. Embalming is a hereditary privilege which the king grants only to those families whose members have won renown for the greater glory of the Matis, the most famous example being that of the Di Tylini family.

Reporter: Is it an old profession then?

Bebi Cuirinia: Certainly. My profession is extremely old because, unfortunately, birth is always followed by death. While itā€™s true that the techniques and the rites have evolved and been refined over time, itā€™s also true that there have been homins taking care of the dead since Jena first gave light to Atys. And for as long as there are those living, there will be embalmers to take care of them once their seed has died.

Reporter: And what about resurrection?

Bebi Cuirinia: Aaah, finally, an interesting question. To tell you the truth, I canā€™t say anything for sure, I donā€™t know the secrets of the Karavan or the Kami. But my own, personal theory is that if the seed somehow plays a part in the resurrection of a homin, that doesnā€™t keep it from being altered. When the grain is spoiled, unfortunately thereā€™s nothing more that can be done for the homin. As for resurrectionā€¦ no doubt followers of the Karavan will be able to tell you more than I can, but from what I understand, Jena and the Kami are the only judges of who will or wonā€™t be resuscitated. Whoā€™s to say that the fight to which you succumb wonā€™t be your last? What makes you think that the divine power which protects you now will protect you always and forever?

Donā€™t look at me like that, Iā€™ve no answers for you. Iā€™ve only got one bit of advice: make sure you donā€™t find yourself in my hands too soon.

  interview with Bebi Cuirinia, Royal Embalmer.

The Chronicles of Atys  
History ā€¢ Chronicles Overview
Before the Great Swarming  
Fire of Coriolis

The Fever of Discovery ā€¢ The Siege of Karavia ā€¢ The Company of Loria ā€¢ The Youth of Loria ā€¢ The Assassination of Loria ā€¢ The Liberation of the Trykers

Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)  
Massacre and flight

A Kitin Story ā€¢ Monsoon Sunset ā€¢ My Karavan Guardian ā€¢ The Kitin Song

The return of Hope

First Chronicle ā€¢ New Day ā€¢ Opportunity Awaits

Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)  
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

The Secrets of Tryker engineering ā€¢ A Flyner Escape ā€¢ The Story of a Young Corsair

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

A Little Lore at Bedtime ā€¢ Ciochini learns of His Heritage ā€¢ Chrysalis ā€¢ Screaming Shadows

Chronicles of the Witherings

Tears of Serenity ā€¢ The Crying Mektoub ā€¢ The Stance of DaĆÆsha ā€¢ Mabreka

Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)  
Erlan's Chronicles

Preface to Chronicles ā€¢ Revelation of Tryton ā€¢ The Call from the Powers ā€¢ The Dunes of Aelius ā€¢ Forgotten Places ā€¢ Kitins Stir... Homins! Prepare! ā€¢ Spring, when tents blossomed ā€¢ Annex to Spring, when tents blossomed

Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

Ardan Keale ā€¢ A Tryker wedding story ā€¢ Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker ā€¢ The Traveller returns ā€¢ Tryker Constitution ā€¢ Lady Chiabre's Social Diary

Chronicles of the Burning Desert

Story of a Young Fyros ā€¢ Ibian Peldix, bark Sculptor ā€¢ Dexius Apokos, Fyros Genadier ā€¢ Menia Pyron, engaged Fyros ā€¢ Interview with Lekos Daraan ā€¢ The Mystery of the Renegades ā€¢ Meeting with the new Senator Dios Apotheps ā€¢ A New Face

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

An Interview with Cuiccio Perinia ā€¢ Bebi Cuirinia, royal Embalmer ā€¢ Viero, young married matis ā€¢ To fight to exalt ā€¢ Autumn ā€¢ Foul Fruits ā€¢ The Tear ā€¢ Melario Estriano, history of a Matis

Chronicles of the Witherings

Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for Homins ā€¢ A Zorai Wedding ā€¢ Yi Be-Pian, Old ZoraĆÆ of the Company of the Eternal Tree ā€¢ Unfortunate Night ā€¢ Equal to Atys ā€¢ The Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful Hunt ā€¢ Tribes of the Witherings and Goo ā€¢ Teleportation Sickness

Trytonist chronicles

In The Beginning ā€¢ A new Seeker of Elias ā€¢ Hiaoi, seeker of Elias

Marauders chronicles

Stabre Sicco, Marauder Prisoner ā€¢ The misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan

Chronicles linked to the Temple War

The Call from the Powers ā€¢ The Dunes of Aelius ā€¢ Forgotten Places ā€¢ Wirell Aelan, Decent Tryker ā€¢ Announcement of the construction of the Karavan Temple ā€¢ Fao the ZoraĆÆ ā€¢ Tales of Mac Keaggan ā€¢ In Jena's light

Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed

Spring, when tents blossomed ā€¢ Annex to Spring, when tents blossomed ā€¢ For a Few Dappers More

Diverse chronicles

Out of Slavery ā€¢ The Mektoub Affair ā€¢ The Memoirs of Kedgy Be'Cauny ā€¢ The Legend of the Blue Ocyx ā€¢ When Jena Comes ā€¢ A Very Special Drink ā€¢ The Circle of Darkness ā€¢ Clandestine Attack ā€¢ An Ancient Conflict ā€¢ Bloody Dusk ā€¢ The Kami of the Lost Souls ā€¢ The Followers

Special chronicles

The Legend of the Ghost Yubo ā€¢ The Gingo Who Ate the Sun