Tales of Mac Keaggan

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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Leda, 15.04.2022
de:Arty Mac Keaggan's Erzählungen aus Zora en:Tales_of Mac Keaggan fr:Les récits d'Arty Mac Keaggan
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2022-04-15)

The Zora sanctuary

Naroy: "Hi Arty! When did you get back? Already tired of Avendale? So where did your business take you this time?"

Arty: "Hello, Naroy Ba'Dardan! Give me a drink first, at least. I'll tell you everything as soon as my thirst is quenched."

Naroy: "The usual? A house beer?"

Arty: "You know me! Your beer is always cold and light. It's the only thing I could think of since getting back from Zora."

Naroy: "So, what's the news from that place?"

Arty: "There are still kamists at work all around Zora. I had picked up my animals from the stable and I was leaving Zora by the Goo Chase district gate. In the plain right outside of town, I took a little detour to see if the Kami fanatics were still there. I could hardly believe my eyes!"

Naroy: "Really? What were they doing, Arty? Still praying to Ma-Duk?"

Arty: "Ha! Since I last saw them, the Kamists had lighted huge torches and set up a stable and corral for mektoub, as well as a wooden building of a kind I had never seen! There were several men taking turns speaking with the grand Zoraï. I was intrigued by the new building and I wanted to go pump him for information.

Naroy: "Did he tell you anything?"

Arty: "He said to me, "I am the Kamis Representative," and he started giving me his memorized spiel. With all his tirades of "The Karavan are going to attack our followers!" and "Have faith in the Kamis," he gave me a headache. But in between all his rhetoric, I gathered that the structure I had seen was going to be a Ma-Duk Sanctuary, when the kamist followers had finished putting it all together. Can you imagine that, Naroy? They are building a house of Ma-Duk! Some news, huh?"

Naroy: "No kidding! Still, it would be bigger news if a Kami came and tried to stop me from selling my beer!"

Arty: "You're right. And the worst of all would be if a Karavan came along and tried to keep us from talking. Hey, how about another round."

The outlying areas of Zora

Arty: "Hello Naroy!"

Naroy: "Arty Mac Keaggan! I haven't seen you around Avendale for a long time! What will you have?"

Arty: "Your house brew, as usual. That's what I need to recover from my trip."

Naroy: "So where have you been to this time?"

Arty: "I went to Zora, with my little convoy of mektoubs. Business is pretty good with the Zoraïs."

Naroy: "Good for you. So what's the news from there?"

Arty: "Some really strange things, let me tell you. I was going to the stables to collect my animals, when a Tryker came up to me and asked if I supported the Kamis and wanted to follow them."

Naroy: "From the looks of it, I would say that guy had joined the Company of the Eternal Tree"

Arty: "That's right! He took me for a kamist. The little worm practically forced me to follow him to the plains just at the edge of Zora. There were about a dozen of his companions from the Eternal Tree and a small crowd of homins running around doing I-don't-know-what. In the middle of them all, there was a Kami Preacher Lord, accompanied by a grand Zoraï. The Kami Preacher Lord had difficulty speaking, but the Zoraï faithfully interpreted his words of devotion to Ma-Duk. His exhortations were repeated by all the homins in the crowd. Since there was no prospect of either selling or gathering anything, I left this crowd of worshipers to their collective trance."

Naroy: "Wow! Can I get you another beer?"

Arty: "Sure!"

Meeting in Zora

Arty: "Say Naroy, do you remember that Tryker I told you about, the one I met at the stables at Zora?"

Naroy: "Of course, I remember. Have you seen him again? Is he still with the Company of the Eternal Tree?"

Arty: "Believe it or not…he quit."

Naroy: "Really? Have the recent events convinced him to join the Church of Light? You seem to know quite a bit about this loafer. Have you seen him recently?"

Arty: "Yes, during my last trip to Zora. And he's no longer a loafer since he and I have become acquainted. His name is Dany O'Doyley. He has fallen madly in love with Geng Xo-Yuang, the range weapon merchant in Zora. Incredible, isn't it? To prove his love for her he left the Company, sold all his belongings at once and went to see the Dynasty Magistrate of Zora to plead with him to grant him Zorai citizenship. The magistrate tested him before allowing him the rites of passage to becoming a citizen. Danny had to give his dappers to the dynasty treasury."

Naroy: "And he gave them without shilly-shallying?"

Arty: "Yes, and happy to do it! Then the Magistrate questioned him about the Zorais, their history and values. I don't know if Dany really knew the answers to the Magistrate's questions, or if it was just good luck, but he got them all correct."

Naroy: "Mmmm…Perhaps he has kept some of his good-for-nothing tricks up his sleeve?"

Arty: "Maybe, but before I had a chance to ask him about this, he left for a trip across the whole Zorai territory to prove he can pass the test. Naroy, do you realize what love can do?"

Naroy: "Huh! Come on Arty, this round is on me. Lets drink to Dany's health!"

  Arty Mac Keaggan, the Chronicles from the Temple Wars

The Chronicles of Atys  
HistoryChronicles Overview
Before the Great Swarming  
Fire of Coriolis

The Fever of DiscoveryThe Siege of KaraviaThe Company of LoriaThe Youth of LoriaThe Assassination of LoriaThe Liberation of the Trykers

Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)  
Massacre and flight

A Kitin StoryMonsoon SunsetMy Karavan GuardianThe Kitin Song

The return of Hope

First ChronicleNew DayOpportunity Awaits

Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)  
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

The Secrets of Tryker engineeringA Flyner EscapeThe Story of a Young Corsair

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

A Little Lore at BedtimeCiochini learns of His HeritageChrysalisScreaming Shadows

Chronicles of the Witherings

Tears of SerenityThe Crying MektoubThe Stance of DaïshaMabreka

Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)  
Erlan's Chronicles

Preface to ChroniclesRevelation of TrytonThe Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesKitins Stir... Homins! Prepare!Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomed

Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

Ardan KealeA Tryker wedding storyWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerThe Traveller returnsTryker ConstitutionLady Chiabre's Social Diary

Chronicles of the Burning Desert

Story of a Young FyrosIbian Peldix, bark SculptorDexius Apokos, Fyros GenadierMenia Pyron, engaged FyrosInterview with Lekos DaraanThe Mystery of the RenegadesMeeting with the new Senator Dios ApothepsA New Face

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

An Interview with Cuiccio PeriniaBebi Cuirinia, royal EmbalmerViero, young married matisTo fight to exaltAutumnFoul FruitsThe TearMelario Estriano, history of a Matis

Chronicles of the Witherings

Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for HominsA Zorai WeddingYi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal TreeUnfortunate NightEqual to AtysThe Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful HuntTribes of the Witherings and GooTeleportation Sickness

Trytonist chronicles

In The BeginningA new Seeker of EliasHiaoi, seeker of Elias

Marauders chronicles

Stabre Sicco, Marauder PrisonerThe misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan

Chronicles linked to the Temple War

The Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerAnnouncement of the construction of the Karavan TempleFao the ZoraïTales of Mac KeagganIn Jena's light

Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed

Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomedFor a Few Dappers More

Diverse chronicles

Out of SlaveryThe Mektoub AffairThe Memoirs of Kedgy Be'CaunyThe Legend of the Blue OcyxWhen Jena ComesA Very Special DrinkThe Circle of DarknessClandestine AttackAn Ancient ConflictBloody DuskThe Kami of the Lost SoulsThe Followers

Special chronicles

The Legend of the Ghost YuboThe Gingo Who Ate the Sun