Amber: Tribes of Atys
Sacred Sap
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. ᐅ Fleeting Garden
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Region Fleeting Garden
Race(s) Zoraï
Faction Kami
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

The Sacred Sap are a militaristic tribe of Zoraï operating out of Fleeting Garden. They are fiercely loyal to the Kami and aggressively oppose Matis expansion into the region, thus any Karavan followers or Matis coming too close to their camp may be attacked. The Sacred Sap are considered enemies by the Matis government, but remain allies of the Zoraï nation. They share the region with their more peaceful brethren in the Siblings Of The Weeds, towards whom they are neither friendly nor hostile.




Fyros +33
Matis -50
Tryker -16
Zoraï +50

Tribe Members

Wo-Lo Biani, Tribe Chief of the Sacred Sap


Wandering the region


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Verdant Heights geography in detail:
Foret 1.jpg
Home of the Matis
Fleeting Garden Grove of Confusion Heretic's Hovel Hidden Source Knoll of Dissent Majestic Garden Upper Bog
Ancient Dryads Darkening Sap Ecowarriors First Deserters Green Seed Matisian Border Guards Oasis Diggers Sacred Sap Sap Slaves Siblings of the Weeds The Arid Matis The Slash and Burn Woven Bridles
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