Amber: Tribes of Atys
Master of the Goo
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. ᐅ Void
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Region Void
Race(s) Zoraï
Faction Karavan
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

The Master of the Goo are a tribe of Zoraï studying and trying to master the Goo, operating out of Void. Like all tribes using the Goo, they follow the Karavan and are considered outlaws by the Zoraï government. Thus they'll attack any Zoraï coming too close to their camp, and may do the same with Kami disciples of other races as well. They share the region with the Gibads tribe, but the two tribes mostly ignore eachother.



Trivia fact: The Master of the Goo have probably the best defended camp of all the tribes on Atys, guarded by no less than 28 Elite (level 250) guards, 17 of which are casters.


Fyros 0
Matis 0
Tryker +16
Zoraï -66

Tribe Members

Bo-Qung Fao, Tribe Chief of the Master of the Goo


Wandering the region


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Antikamis Black Circle Company of the Eternal Tree Gibads Goo Heads Hamazans of the Dead Seed Icon Worshippers Master of the Goo Shadow Runners Tutors
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