Animals of Atys
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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Leda, 17.09.2021
From gentle herbivore to the most ferocious carnivore, your path will bring you into contact with all kinds of species on Atys. Sooner or later however, you will have to face up with your most dangerous adversary: the kitins. Organized, powerful and devoid of pity, they ravaged Atys in 2481, massacring Fyros, Matis, Trykers and Zoraïs indiscriminately and wiping out their entire civilizations. Homins have since developed new combat techniques that allow them to keep their enemy at bay, but the fight is by no means over. Show no mercy to kitins if you wish to survive.
This is an index of all the animal creatures that can be found on Atys.
Name | Type | Descripion | |
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Arana | Herbivore | The arana is a master of disguise. Its body and its two pairs of jointed limbs evolved to resemble a tree stump to the extent of growing tufts of hair resembling grass and harboring mushrooms and moss on its back. Its carapace and legs are protected by sharp spine-like excrescences to deter predators. It has small eyes on fleshy stems sprouting from the top of the head, and powerful lower tusk-like mandibles with which it will attack if threatened. This herbivore can be observed scuttling along fast on the tips of its horny toes in the forest and desert regions. |
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Arma | Herbivore | A massive pachyderm characterized by a mossy carapace equipped with spiny outgrowths. Its thick skin and impressive array of defensive horns on its head make it a difficult prey for even the keenest carnivore. Thus secure in its armor, the arma may be found grazing in herds peacefully all over Atys beside the most aggressive predators on Atys. Only excessive harassment will provoke its wrath. |
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Bawaab | Herbivore | Of the same family as the lumper, the bawaab is characterized by its green scaly skin and a flat 'hammer head' with an eye at each extremity. The bawaab has pillar-like legs, large feet and moves at a surprisingly fair speed. This herbivore is a timorous creature occurring mainly in forest and jungle lands. |
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Bodoc | Herbivore | A bulky, thick-skinned plant feeder with tiny eyes and two massive horns protruding from the sides of the head. If singled out for attack, these horns can be lethal to even the toughest of predators. Grazes in herds to further ensure its protection. Occurs all over Atys. |
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Bolobi | Herbivore | This spherical quadruped has large bulbous protruding eyes set wide apart giving it a field of vision of 270°. Its neckless head is sunk into its body which is covered in a deep fur coat making it resemble a ball of fluff! Using its powerful trunk, the bolobi can be seen drawing up berries, nuts and sap, which it ferments in its belly to produce a lethal gas. The bolobi has four identical jointed legs with the tibiae armed with razor sharp spines which help to deter predators. Two long threadlike antennae and large ears allow it to detect a preying enemy at a great distance. This herbivore can be found all over Atys. |
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Capryni | Herbivore | A deer-like ruminant with a goatee beard distinguished by its thick skin laid on like rhinoceros hide. A shy creature, its tough single antler is used more to attract a mate than to fend off predators, though will deliver a formidable hind kick when menaced. The capryni occurs all over Atys except in the Prime Roots. |
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Clopper | Crustacean | This brownish crustacean feeds on carrion and sometimes mortally wounded animals. The clopper gets its name from the sound it makes with its well developed pincers on approaching its wounded prey. The is carnivore of the clanker family can be found in desert and lakes areas. |
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Cray | Crustacean | This brightly colored crustacean has four identical powerful limbs, a set of feelers situated about its mouth, and eyes set on stalks giving it an all round vision. If attacked, the cray is able to spin round to cut the aggressor to shreds with its sharp carapace. This herbivore occurs in the lakes. |
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Cuttler | Carnivore | This grim looking hunter has a spiny back with blade-like horns running down the length of its spine and spurs on its tibias. Its long tapering hooves allow it to dig into the ground to gain a good grip to break into a very rapid sprint at any moment. The cuttler has a hard leather muzzle and a wide mouth with lacerating teeth which it uses to latch onto its prey while stabbing it with its horny punch situated on the underside of its thorax. Lives mainly in forest and desert lands, though specimens have been reported in jungle areas. |
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Frippo | Omnivore | This small common omnivore, liken to the yubo in size, has powerful front legs supporting a vigorous body, heavy head with a powerful muzzle. Its thick hide has allowed it to evolve into a tenacious and daring creature despite its relative slowness. The frippo thrives in the temperate climate of the forest lands. |
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Gingo | Carnivore | A frenetic canine-like animal with a mane and strong shoulders that are higher than its hind quarters, powerful jaws and strong teeth. Gingos live in pacts of up to five individuals and feed on carrion left over by predators. They are known for their shrill cackle which resembles maniacal laughter. Natural habitat: forest, desert and jungle. |
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Gnoof | Herbivore | The gnoof is a gregarious herbivore characterized by a trunk which it uses to collect food, bring water to the mouth, for smelling, and for lifting. Its head and upper body are protected by a stiff carapace whereas its flanks and underside are covered in short hairs that grow in segments or panels. Its dexterous feet are large with bulbous toes enabling it to radiate heat. Grazes mostly in herds of five of six all over Atys. |
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Goari | Crustacean | A crustacean with four identical legs, two powerful pinchers, and characterized by a translucent sphere containing a watery substance which it dangles above its head. The goari half buries its carapace in the ground or submerges itself in water leaving only the sphere on show. It then shakes the sphere to attract thirsty animals. When the prey is near enough it springs forth, pincers ready for the kill. This carnivore of the clanker family occurs in desert and lake land regions. |
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Gubani | Herbivore | This timorous and gregarious herbivore has long powerful hind legs and gripping feet perfectly adapted for rapid movement. Its two 'winglets' on the crest of its back dote it with extra streamline allowing it to run very swiftly in leaps and bounds over difficult terrain. Gubanis have a well developed sense of smell along with sensitive hearing allowing them to keep on guard against predators while feeding. They have powerfully large incisors for gnawing and live in the jungle and Prime Roots. |
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Horncher | Crustacean | A crustacean with four identical legs, a pair of powerful pincers and stylelike appendages at the end of the abdomen. The horncher gets its name from the horn shell which its carapace resembles. It is known to collapse its body under its legs, lie motionless, in wait for an unknowing prey to pass. Hornchers are found mainly around the lakes and in the Prime Roots. |
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Igara | Avian | A bird of prey with a sharp rapacious beak and four wings with a wingspan of over 3 meters. Distinguished by its lethal barbed tail used for attack. The igara hugs tree trunks with its claws and its sap-smeared rear winglets. On seeing a prey below it will drop onto the victim in a fast sweeping dive. Principally found in jungle and desert regions. |
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Izam | Avian | A winged scavenger with dappled skin allowing it to blend in with the foliage. The izam glides overhead awaiting its hour patiently scrutinizing the undergrowth then swoops down at a fair speed on its weaker prey announcing its arrival with a strident mocking cry. Occurs all over Atys with the exception of the Matis lands. |
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Javing | Javan | A bird of prey with indented wings and a fluttering flight. The eyeless javing bird hunts for food relying partly on its sense of smell, but most of all on echo-location. It produces high pitched sound waves which after striking obstacles echo back, enabling the bird to navigate with precision. Javings are equipped with a long black glistening barbed tongue which it uses to spear its prey. Evolves in the jungle and forest regions. |
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Jugula | Carnivore | A disarming squat predator with protruding eyes and powerful hind legs for leaping. The skin on its back contains short, sharp, stocky-based spines which help deter larger predators. On attack the jugular lunges up for its victim's throat latching on with its claws while sinking its fangs into the neck to drain the victim of its blood. Can be found mainly in the forests and Prime Root regions of Atys, though has been spotted in jungle areas. |
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Lumper | Herbivore | A timorous herbivore that feeds mainly on cacti. The lumper has long legs allowing it to move at a surprisingly fair speed. It has large eyes set apart on fleshy stems sprouting from either side of the head and is especially characterized by its spiny back. Occurs mainly in desert and Prime Root areas. |
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Madakam | Omnivore | Like the ploderos, the slow-moving madakam is a solid lump of a creature able to nonchalantly amble around grazing fearless of potential predators thanks to its massive horny head and thick hide. It has small eyes and ears, stumpy three toed limbs and a stocky body clad in a heavy dome-shaped shell. Its triangular head is armed with an impressive machete-like horn which the madakam will use to lethal effect if menaced. This omnivore is equipped with small teeth for ripping and munching grass and roots. Occurs mainly in the forest and jungle regions. |
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Mektoub | Herbivore | A placid plant feeding pachyderm easily recognized by its long and powerful trunk which it uses to collect food, convey water to the mouth, for smelling, and for lifting. Like the gnoof, it has dexterous feet with large bulbous toes enabling it to radiate heat. The mektoub makes an ideal mount or pack animal once tamed. Grazes all over Atys. |
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Messab | Herbivore | A shy, hoofed animal with a slender head, a long neck, a hump and long legs. The messab's partial blindness is compensated by its echo-location facility allowing it to navigate in the most difficult terrain littered with obstacles. The messab is a shy and swift-running herbivore that lives mainly in the jungle but also in the lakes. |
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Najab | Carnivore | A large carnivorous amphibian with slimy skin. When threatened by other predators it will spit fermented algae at the aggressor and hop into the water to swim to safety. Its flesh and skin are appreciated by Zoraïs for their hallucinogenic properties. Mostly occurs in the lakes, also found in the jungle. |
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Ocyx | Carnivore | The ocyx is immediately distinguishable by its exoskeleton which forms an impressive body defense. This predator is equipped with a powerful mussel characterized by two sharp canine teeth protruding from the lower mandible, and long claws. The lacerating bony tail which balances the heavy head also constitutes a formidable weapon. This carnivore occurs in the forests and deserts, and more rarely in jungle areas. |
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Ploderos | Herbivore | A massive stocky pachyderm with small eyes and ears, thick and heavy body and stubby legs. The ploderos grazes all day long plodding steadily from one pasture ground to the next seemingly oblivious to the dangers around. Its thick red hairless hide and the hard horny protective cover of its head presents a formidable defense against preying carnivores. However, if menaced the ploderos will stand and fight methodically ramming its adversary with the full weight of its slow-moving though massive body. Grazes in jungle and desert areas. |
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Ragus | Omnivore | A canine-like creature with retractable claws, rasping tongue and five eyes which allow it to see in all kinds of light. A species of this hyperactive fast-moving omnivore used to be trained in the old lands to lick canalization pipes clean and rid them of vermin in general. These omnivores of the hounder family can be found in forest, jungle and lake land regions. |
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Raspal | Herbivore | The raspal is a hoofed mammal belonging to the same order as the capryni. It has a slender head, long neck and two winglets situated on the crest enhancing its stability and allowing it to work up to a fast gallop even over uneven terrain. Lacking eyes, the raspal is relies on a powerful sixth sense of echo-location for navigation. For defense, it is equipped with a hard and rasping horny hide and a lethal punch on the underside of its belly. This herbivore occurs in the desert and forest areas. |
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Rendor | Herbivore | A stocky hoofed mammal with a short thick neck and belonging to the same family as the capryni. It has a heavy front body and a hump on its back. Its large head is covered with a helmet-like leather carapace which constitutes a formidable ram for defense. Like caprynis, rendors are grazing animals noted for their docility, though when provoked can be deadly to even the most aggressive predator. Occurs in forest and desert lands. |
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Shalah | Herbivore | A ruminant distinguished by a heavy shaggy coat and long tusks that sprout either side from its lower mandible. The tusks and the thick leather plates layered on its face constitute a tough defense. It uses its powerful muzzle to scoop and rip up great tufts of grass and its lower mandible as a spade to root out nutritious tubers. The shalah can be found feeding in the lakes and the desert. |
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Timari | Herbivore | A herbivorous creature with bandy legs and huge one meter high dorsal spines which act as a formidable defense in case of attack. The timari's eyes are set 180° apart on fleshy stems sprouting from the side of its head. Natural habitat: jungle and desert regions where its hide adopts the predominant color of the surrounding environment. |
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Torbak | Carnivore | An Atysian feline par excellence distinguished by its long saber-like horn, three dorsal spines and a pointed bony tail. The torbak's tough hide has the particularity of taking on the predominant color of the surroundings making it difficult to spot before it pounces for the kill. Prowls all over Atys. |
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Tyrancha | Carnivore | A terrifying carnivore, the Tyrancha has two pairs of identical legs attached to an elongated, larva-like body culminating in a large round orifice with irregular lacerating teeth. Its eyes are set at the end of fleshy stems sprouting from its crest allowing it all round vision. On each foot three toes are intercalated with three downward claws that enable it to take a firm stance on the ground before projecting an acid substance at its victim. Occurs in the desert and Prime Roots. |
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Varinx | Carnivore | A carnivorous desert feline with a fire resistant hide capable of blending into the desert hues and the shadows of the Prime Roots. The varinx prowls in groups of 2 or 3 around fire holes in the Burning Desert where it will save homins from fire and then eat them alive. Formerly trained by [[Fyros] to save homins from flames, but the formidable beast, discovering the taste of homin flesh, soon turned against its masters. A tenacious attacker, once it has attacked it will fight to the death. Of the hounders family, the varinx prowls in the desert and the Prime Roots. |
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Vorax | Carnivore | A three and a half meter long lizard-like predator with a spiny back, terrifying red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. A fast, cunning and ferocious hunter which can immobilize its prey with a terrifying roar. It has the peculiarity of smearing its immobilized victim in poisonous saliva for digestion purposes. This carnivore is found mostly in the Prime Roots. |
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Wombaï | Herbivore | Of the same family as the bolobi, the wombaï is doted with large eyes for an all round vision and a long proboscis which it uses to draw up seeds, insects and nuts from both ground and bush. The wombaï, with its trunk and its round neckless head protruding from its spherical body, resembles a hairy pear on legs! Its four identical legs are longer and thicker than those of the bolobi and better suited for roaming in the high grasses of the jungle and lakes. |
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Yber | Avian | A two meter tall bird with a wingspan of up to four meters. A gracious cousin of the izam, flies very quickly close to the ground in search of smaller prey. Characterized by its powerful beak and the extra two pairs of diaphanous wings which secrete a viscous substance allowing it to capture insects and small birds. The yber occurs in jungle and lake land regions. |
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Yelk | Omnivore | A great sluggish lump of a scavenger easily recognized by its pointed snout and the highly prized mushrooms growing on its back. These poisonous mushrooms act as a formidable deterrent to any hungry predator. The yelk will eat any organic matter, used to be domesticated in the old lands by homins for waste disposal! This omnivore occurs all over Atys. |
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Yetin | Omnivore | The yetin is a hoofed omnivore with powerful hind legs for very rapid movement, a well developed thorax and a large heavy head. Its violet body is tinged with a ruddy coat of coarse bristly hairs. Its lower canine teeth form into tusks which protrude from the mouth and are used in defense as well as for uprooting tuber and suchlike. Forages and hunts mostly in the jungle. |
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Yubo | Omnivore | A small, fairly slow moving dog-like omnivore originally bred by Matis manipulators to provide company and entertainment to homins, as well as a source of nourishment. Careful breeding has led to the mass of the animal to accumulate around its hindquarters where the best quality meat is produced. This homin pet can be found all over Atys, except in the Prime Roots. |
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Zerx | Omnivore | A omnivorous creature feeding especially on berries and nuts which it stores in its pouch-like gullet. Its saliva has a conserving effect on the fruit. Has a small round tail, stiff hairs on its back, and eyes set at 180° apart on fleshy stems sprouting from the sides of its head. A deceivingly dangerous animal, the zerx will spit out fruit, pips and acid, and uses its tusks - also used to shake trees - to get the better of any rival. The zerx can be found all over Atys barring the forest. |
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Baldusa | Aquatic |
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Prakker | Aquatic |
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Sagass | Aquatic |
no image | Ryzaqua | Aquatic |
See also