Amber: Tribes of Atys
Black Circle
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. ᐅ Grove of Umbra
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Region Grove of Umbra
Race(s) All
Faction Karavan
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

The Black Circle is one of the tribes studying the Goo, doing so in the Grove of Umbra. It is comprised of all races, and like all tribes studying the Goo they follow the Karavan and are at odds with the Zoraï nation, thus they may attack Kami discpiples or Zoraï trying to enter their camp. Of all the tribes studying the Goo though, the Black Circle is probably the most notorious. It is whispered they have a shadowy hand behind the scenes of many important events, the most notable being the murder of the Tryker governor Still Wyler.



This tribe is composed of scientists and magicians of every race fascinated by the goo. Urged by some morbid fascination, they spend their time studying the vile substance and its effects on the flora, fauna and homins. They endeavour to link the goo to magic in the hope of acquiring more and more power. They have thus made groundbreaking discoveries which they jealously keep secret, only giving snippets of knowledge to their disciples and allies, such as the tribe of the Darkening Sap. The tribe also excerces pressure on governments for goo study to be accepted so they can lawfully use the goo all over the planet without restraint.

From "Zoraï History, the New Beginning":

Pro-Karavan tribe of the Black Circle begins activity.

This was shortly after Mabreka became leader of the Zoraï. For a tribe that was founded so recently, the Black Circle seems to have gained impressive influence. So either they rose to power very quickly, or more likely, they had existed in the shadows since long before, only making their activity known since 2507.


The Black Circle Coat of Arms
Fyros -33
Matis +16
Tryker -16
Zoraï -50

Tribe Members

Ba'Wity Codgan, Tribe Chief of the Black Circle


Wandering the region



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