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Amber: Tribes of Atys
Please migrate to the new template template:Taxobox_Tribes. į… Grove of Umbra
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Region Grove of Umbra
Race(s) ZoraĆÆ
Faction Karavan
Notables Anonymous
Friends Everybody?
Enemies Nobody?

The Antikamis are a fanatical tribe of ZoraĆÆ who fiercely reject the worship of the Kamis that most ZoraĆÆ practice, turning instead to the Karavan. From their camp in Grove of Umbra, just south of the town of Min-Cho, they violently oppose the ZoraĆÆ government. Because of their loathing of anyone who worships the Kami, they may attack Fyros as well as other ZoraĆÆ trying to enter their camp, and Kami disciples of other races had better stay away too.


Even the Antikamis are incapable of removing their ZoraĆÆ masks that the Kami gave them as children, because the masks are grafted to their faces and removing them completely would mean certain death. However they are known to carve off as much of their masks as possible, an action which presumably is extremely painful, and akin to mutilating your own face.


Fyros -50
Matis +16
Tryker -16
ZoraĆÆ -66

Tribe Members

Pei-Jeng Pingi, Tribe Chief of the Antikamis


  • Tribe Chief : Pei-Jeng Pingi
  • Tribe Outpost Officer : She-Jua Luoi
  • Tribe Welcomer : Ja-Zun Gei
  • Outlands Supplier : La-Viang Fuan
  • Master Overseer : Do-Vi Jeoi
  • Ambassador : Antikamis Karavan Ambassador
  • Master Guards : 21

Wandering the region


  • Pants, Vest & Sleeves : Black
  • Boots & Gloves : Turquoise
  • Hair : Blond (ZoraĆÆ)

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Home of the ZoraĆÆ
Cities of Intuition ā€¢ Grove of Umbra ā€¢ Haven of Purity ā€¢ Knot of Dementia ā€¢ Maiden Grove ā€¢ Void
HoĆÆ-Cho ā€¢ Jen-LaĆÆ ā€¢ Min-Cho ā€¢ Zora
Antikamis ā€¢ Black Circle ā€¢ Company of the Eternal Tree ā€¢ Gibads ā€¢ Goo Heads ā€¢ Hamazans of the Dead Seed ā€¢ Icon Worshippers ā€¢ Master of the Goo ā€¢ Shadow Runners ā€¢ Tutors