History of the Trykers, Children of the Wind

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de:Geschichte des Tryker-Volkes, Kinder der Winde en:History of the Trykers, Children of the Wind es:????? fr:L'Histoire des Trykers, Fils du Vent ru:?????
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Lanstiril, 2020-10-09)

► Original
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  • The Trykers meet the Karavan who spread the word of Jena, the mythology of the Great Dragon and the Prophecy. The Trykers, who then form a myriad of semi-nomadic tribes throughout the region they call Trykoth, take these teachings in their own way, with a certain detachment.
  • A Tryker (Wiksie) meets for the first time a Kami who tries unsuccessfully to communicate with him. Despite mutual misunderstanding, the Trykers are impressed by the powers of the Kamis and begin to worship them as spirits of nature.


  • Trykers come face to face with Fyros from the northwest. Frightened by the newcomers who express themselves strangely, the Trykers flee but continue to observe the Fyros from afar. Scuffles sometimes break out, the natural curiosity of the Trykers pushing some to get closer to these unpredictable intruders.
  • The Matis riding the mektoubs make an incursion in the northeast of Trykoth and begin to hunt the Trykers dwelling there. Whole tribes are decimated or enslaved by the invaders and many Trykers are deported to Matia to serve as a labour force.


  • Overcoming their reluctance, the Trykers contact the Fyros and request their help against the Matis. The Fyros refuse and even kill some of the too insistent Trykers.
  • Against all odds, the Karavan intervene and asks Zachini, the Matis King, to release the Trykers.
  • The slaves return home. The Trykers are very grateful to the Karavan and begin to revere Jena as the Nourishing Mother. These events increase the awareness among the Trykers, hitherto too carefree. The concept of a floating village is contrived as a form of defence.


  • Floating villages are built all over Trykoth, each being held by a tribe. Trade is growing and it is not uncommon to see villages dealing directly with each other, although they are several days journey apart over water, to trade goods or to fish in the same location.


  • A gigantic wildfire ravages the southern part of the Fyros Desert up to the shores of Trykoth. The Kamis ask the Trykers for help to fight against the fire but these, too frightened and anyway nursing a grudge against the Fyros, refuse. Smoke is visible even from the south eastern common borders of Trykoth and the Mysterious Jungle.


  • The first contacts with the Zoraïs happen when they approach the edge of their jungle to see where the Kamis came from after the wildfires and meet the Trykers, who like the mask and the strange gait of newcomers. The Karavan begin to denigrate the Kamis by branding them as "demons" but the relations still remain cordial between the two peoples.


  • The Zoraïs begin the construction of a wall demarcating their territory. Trading posts are, however, established outside, all along, to preserve exchanges.


  • The Kamis teach magic to Trykers who see little application and take this for a game, at least in the beginning.


  • Trade is flourishing and the Trykers exchange a multitude of goods with other peoples. The ports of Breneth and Jeniah have become high places of business. The barter system is beginning to become inadequate and quarrels increase because of unfair trade.

The Trykers invent and propagate the system of dappers which is becoming more and more sophisticated to avoid fakes.


  • Trade and convergent interests lead most tribes to organize. The first Tryker federation is created.


  • Birth of Saeven Ba’Nethly.


  • The Matis built a dam on the Munshia river. The part that irrigates the territory of the Fyros is dried up and the latter are forced to increase the convoys of water supply from Trykoth. The Trykers accept but begin to dread a conflict. Secret negotiations take place between the Fyros and the Trykers.


  • Thousands of Trykers and Fyros are working together to build a 30-foot wide aqueduct linking Trykoth to the Desert. Thirty large wind turbines create the flow of water. Fyros and Trykers merchants and warriors install fortified trading posts along the course of the aqueduct which encroaches on the Matis territory, which triggered the War of the Aqueduct (also called War of Civilizations) between the Matis on the one hand and the Fyros and Trykers on the other hand.


  • The Fyros-Tryker alliance is strengthened. The Fyros promise their protection against the Matis in exchange for the maintenance of the aqueduct by the Trykers.



  • The Karavan instruct the Trykers in the creation of a marvel in honour of Jena. A gigantic column of air is trapped inside a natural chimney and controlled by an ingenious system of airlocks. A mobile platform allows homins to be taken to its top where the Room of the High Council is set up, headquarters of the meetings of the Trykers leaders and the Karavan.


  • The building of the wonder is over. Jena appears to Saeven Ba'nethly at the top of the Column of Wind. Captivated, the Trykers reaffirm their devotion.


  • The holy city of the Matis, Karavia, is taken by the Fyros. The capture of this city, strategically located on the course of the Aqueduct, allows the Trykers and the Fyros to take some respite in the War of the Aqueduct.



  • The Matis jump at this opportunity, taking advantage of the fact that the Fyros are busy trying to contain the fire, and invade Trykoth which is left unprotected. The Trykers are once again enslaved, but their new organization, enriched by the teachings of the past, allows many to escape the raids. Loria is one of them. Some Trykers retreat to the Great Wall of the Zoraïs and seek asylum. The Zoraïs refuse and turn them away.


  • The Treaty of Karavia is signed by Abylus the Learned, Loria and Aniro III. The Trykers are released and the Aqueduct is reopened in exchange for which the Matis keep Karavia. The treaty ends the War of Civilizations, which lasted a century and a half.

Loria disappears mysteriously on her way back to Trykoth.



  • Rigan Mac'Darell is elected to the High Council.


  • The Fyros disturb a kitins' nest while carrying out one of their excavations. The Great Swarming first devastates the fyros territory from west to east. The Matis take advantage of the event to attack and the Water Route is again severed. The Trykers do not have time to fear another Matis invasion because Trykoth is devastated by a tidal wave of kitin.


  • Resurfacing from Prime Roots’ sanctuary after guarantee of the Karavan that kitins no longer present a threat.
  • First foundations of Fairhaven are laid. The Karavan seal the entrances to the Prime Roots and forbid their reopening.
  • The Council of Sages led by Rigan Mac'Darrell swears allegiance to the Karavan and, falling into step with the Matis, proclaims a thanksgiving commemoration in honour of their intervention against the kitins. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated during the winter solstice, symbolizing the return of light after the dark years that followed the Great Swarming.


  • Exploration and relative securing of Liberty Lake and Dew Drops area.
  • Reconstitution of the Corsairs, a former tribe whose calling is to patrol in the area of Liberty Lake in search of signs of kitin presence.


  • Establishment of a water purification program in the Winds of Muse.


  • Pressure of the Karavan and the Matis on the Tryker council in order to move Kami altars away from the residential areas.


  • Influx of refugees on the main road coming from the Old Lands. Establishment of a reception structure to promote the integration of Tryker refugees into the new society. Act of Integration allowing refugees to join their respective civilizations.


  • Reduction in the number of refugees from the Exodus.
  • Secret exploration of new areas of Prime Roots.


  • Arrival of the legendary fighter Bremmen Dingle, coming from the Old Lands with new methods of combat. He had shared the Exodus road with great fighters of other peoples, known collectively as the guild Force of Fraternity.
  • Establishment of new outposts.


  • Establishment of a Tryker contingent on each continent.
  • Campaign started by the guild Force of Fraternity, composed of homins of all nations, in order to rid the New Lands of hostile kitins.


  • Return home of the members of the guild Force of Fraternity after two years of campaign against the kitins.
  • Definition and opening of new trade routes into foreign countries.
  • Death of Bremmen killed by kitins as he explored the Fleeting Garden. Rigan Mac'Darrell's tribute to Bremmen and the guild Force of Fraternity.


  • First discovery of high Cutes in the Lagoons of Loria.


  • Reappearance of the kitins that are kept in check, thanks to the new methods inherited from the guild Force of Fraternity.
  • The Guild of Elias is gaining popularity.


  • The Guild of Elias, depicted as a sect opposed to the Church of Jena, is banished by the Karavan.
  • Tribes and mercenary bandits fuel a sense of opposition for personal gains. Insecurity in border areas.


  • Despite their common respect for the Karavan, the Trykers prefer to free themselves from Matis domination and sign a commercial agreement with the Fyros. The Trykers refuse to renew the concession of the Lagoons of Loria.
  • Fyros-Tryker Pact of Alliance.


  • Establishment of tolls on commercial routes under Matis authority.
  • Passage through Prime Roots made difficult by the Karavan.


  • The Matis force the Trykers out of Verdant Heights: Autumn War between the Trykers and the Matis in Aeden Aqueous over the Lagoons of Loria for control of water resources.
  • Matis annexation of the Lagoons of Loria in Liberty Lake. Guerilla Tryker activity in Loria Lagoon led by Still Wyler.


  • The fyros contingent led by Dexton joins the Trykers to repel the Matis front.
  • Capture of Dexton and demand of a ransom by the Matis.


  • Mabreka negotiates the release of Dexton for a million dappers.
  • A Peace Treaty is signed at the Watergate Border Post by Mac'Darrell, Yasson, Hoï-Cho and Leanon: the Lagoons of Loria become a free zone.


  • Death of Rigan Mac'Darrell. Beadley Nimby wins the presidency of the Fairhaven Council against the candidate of the Corsairs, Still Wyler.


  • Border confrontations with multiracial tribes and bandit groups. Wyler asks for an action against tribes and bandits. Nimby proposes to grant amnesty to the aggressors. Fung-Tun supports slavery.


  • Matis mandatory surtax on Trykers wares conveyed from Verdant Heights to Burning Desert.


  • Nimby follows the Matis initiatives to reinforce the measures aimed at ensuring adhesion to the Karavan teachings.
  • The Matis lower the tithes owed by convoys passing through the Verdant Heights.


  • Drawing up of the Homin Rights by the Tryker Council in order to fight the sale of slaves.


  • The Matis prince Yrkanis takes refuge in Fairhaven until 2509.
  • Persecution of Trykers on Matis territories.
  • Resignation of Beadley Nimby as Governor of the Council.
  • Election of Still Wyler, a former Corsair, to the position of Governor of the Council.
Still Wyler


  • Wyler embarks on a Great Tour of the Lakes (until 2511) to rally the Trykers under his banner.
  • Departure of Prince Yrkanis for the Witherings.


  • The Trykers block the Matis supplies from the Lagoons of Loria.


  • Conquest of the Lagoons of Loria by the Matis.
  • Prince Yrkanis offers support to Wyler.


  • Battle of the Lagoons of Loria. Yrkanis is fighting alongside Tryker leader Still Wyler in an offensive against the Matis in the Lagoons of Loria. Most Matis soldiers drop their weapons and join the ranks of Prince Yrkanis.


  • Death of Jinovitch, the Matis king, while he was marching with his troops towards the frontier.
  • Still Wyler escorts Yrkanis to the Matis amid everyone's glee. Yrkanis accedes to the throne.
  • The Matis officially withdraw from the Lagoons of Loria.


  • Signature of a Peace Treaty at Fairhaven by Mabreka, Dexton, Wyler and Yrkanis.


  • Summit of Hoï-Cho: four great homins (Yrkanis, Dexton, Mabreka and Wyler) sign a Free Trade Agreement to allow free movement of goods across all homin territories.



  • First ruins discovered in Prime Roots.


  • The descendants of destitute peoples who never found the Rainbow Gates in time, come every day to increase the Tryker population.

Last version 2020-10-09•
