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Would you like discover the world of Ryzom? So, walk through the domains that attract you proposed in Main portals of the Ryzom Wiki displayed below and often repeated in the site.

You feel motivated to enrich our site? So, follow the guide that corresponds to your level and your skills, but just a little bit before you get started, try to see it as an extension Role Playing of the game itself. it's this way...

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Main portals of the Ryzom Wiki

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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2019-04-09)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC

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Featured Article

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For some years now, some homins had been wondering about strange anomalies encountered after the second Kitins Swarm. Their questions have become more and more numerous and pressing.

But the homins weren't the only ones asking themselves questions, one day this dialogue was perceived... Read more.

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Hello and welcome to the Ryzom Wiki!

Did you notice, that we have moved and are now hosted at ryzom.com? As announced we have merged the old official Lore Wiki with the community created Ryzom Wiki. For you that means that now there is only one wiki to find information on. That should make things easier and also concentrates man(and woman)power on one spot. Feel free to explore and also help expanding the wiki!

-- Yours, The Ryzom Wiki Team



What's up in 2019? See Update 2019
What's up in 2018? See Update 2018
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