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Revision as of 14:17, 23 October 2020

The Great Library Sciences Literature Society Homins History Bric-a-brac
de:Portal:Die Große Bibliothek/Trödel
en:Portal:The Great Library/Bric-a-brac
es:Portal:La Gran Biblioteca/Batiburillo
fr:Portail:La Grande Bibliothèque/Bric-à-brac
ru:Portal:Великая Библиотека/Базар
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2020-10-23)

The portal of the Great Library of Atys

There are currently 0 pages related to the portal and 16 elements in the category Bric-a-brac.

R2 scenario admin.png

The Great Library

Not to be confused with two close topics:

The famous Homins are obviously also on the list of protagonists of different nations and associations.

Last version 2020-10-19•


The Society is composed among others of guilds. There are two types of Guilds.

  • Lore guilds that are written Guilds_name, with a space or "underscore" between Guild and and their name;
  • Homine guilds that are written Guild: name , with a colon between Guild and its name;
Last version 2020-10-15•
Ico task rite.png


There are many associations on Atys.

Among the institutions most frequent and most useful for survival are the guilds, or clans, usually grouped by religious, national, ideological affinities…

Last version 2022-02-24•
Spe inventory.png


Last version 2020-10-16•

More to know

Last version 2020-10-17•
Script edit.png

To do

Updating representative pages

Choose 7 pages representative of the 4 nations and if possible 3 from the large communities of Atys:

Theme Chosen page Status ( to make or changer;
good for now)
Elias and so forth A Tryker wedding story
Fyros fyros
Matis Matis Government
Tryker Tryker Government
Zoraï Zoraï
Merodeadores, aso Marauder Wedding: "Where Wedding is Synonymous with Challenge"
Rangers Black Market 24
Last version 2020-10-21•
Zor emblem.png

Spotlight on

Today we present an interview with Satty Ribben, an old Tryker Dame who has officiated at several generations of Tryker weddings. Satty is here to give us an oversight of how such ceremonies are preformed.

Interviewer: Greetings Satty, so you are a priest of the Tryker?

Satty Ribben: Oh no, not at all, our weddings don’t work in that way. I am rather what you would call the Mistress of Ceremonies. The master or mistress of ceremonies does not need to be a fully trained priest or priestess. All that is needed is to be familiar with the wedding ritual and happy to conduct the ceremony in our tightly-knit community. Of course, there is also the proviso that they have been happily married for at least three years, so reflecting our Tryker principle of practicing what you preach!

Interviewer: Can you tell us about a traditional Tryker wedding?

Satty Ribben: Well the first thing is it does not happen for three months. To avoid any future problems we have a tradition that before taking the plunge couples must first respect a period of engagement lasting three months. During this time the couple lives together and sees how they get on together. Only at the end of this engagement period may friends and relations officially speak about the place and date of the wedding. Nevertheless, traditionally the wedding ceremony takes place on a Holeth (the day of Jena) on the fourteenth week of the engagement period.

Traditional Tryker weddings can last for days and involve much gaiety and merry making. Tryker marriage customs generally reflect the cooperative and brotherly spirit of the community, and are full of laughter and song and not a few jokes and tricks.

According to our ancient Tryker tradition, the bride and groom are honoured by anyone’s presence at their wedding as it means that they care about the couple. Therefore anyone who cares may attend the wedding!

Traditionally guests give money, the amount of which should be of multiples of two. However, it is becoming more and more fashionable among young Trykers to give finely crafted objects instead. Of course, food and drink also play an important part in the celebrations!

Interviewer: That sounds fascinating, where would all this take place?

Satty Ribben: Tryker weddings usually take place outside on a beach, under a canopy, if possible. Homins sit on the ground or on mats behind the sacred fire which symbolizes the consummation of time and the warmth and comfort it can bring. The groom’s party arrives first at the wedding spot followed by the bride's party

Interviewer: Are rings exchanged?

Satty Ribben: Yes they are an important symbol of the eternity of love. Rings which can be crafted by the couple or their witnesses are always exchanged by bride and groom, and traditionally the groom presents the bride’s mother with a small token as does the bride to his mother.

Interviewer: So there are witnesses as well as a Master of Ceremonies?

Satty Ribben: Yes the bride is supported by her parents or close friends, and she will need two witnesses, one of each sex. The groom has the same requirements. In addition there are bridesmaids, and a chorus of tuneful Trykers to sing the old well-loved melodies.

Interviewer: Is there a dress code?

Satty Ribben: Dress is generally colourful, black is to be avoided. A wedding is a time to flaunt your best jewels. Of course, liberties can be taken regarding the dress. One rule which shouldn't be broken, though, is that anyone who enters the wedding area must remove their shoes or boots. Both bride and groom customarily use pigment to decorate their faces. This tattoo symbolizes devotion. It is said that you can tell how well a new bride and groom are being treated from how long it takes for the dye to wear off!

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time, and this insight into the old Tryker ways. Now I can’t wait to attend one of these weddings!

  interview with Satty Ribben.

The Chronicles of Atys  
HistoryChronicles Overview
Before the Great Swarming  
Fire of Coriolis

The Fever of DiscoveryThe Siege of KaraviaThe Company of LoriaThe Youth of LoriaThe Assassination of LoriaThe Liberation of the Trykers

Chronicles of the Great Swarming - From 2481 to 2484 (JY)  
Massacre and flight

A Kitin StoryMonsoon SunsetMy Karavan GuardianThe Kitin Song

The return of Hope

First ChronicleNew DayOpportunity Awaits

Chronicles of the New Beginning - From 2484 to 2525 (JY)  
Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

The Secrets of Tryker engineeringA Flyner EscapeThe Story of a Young Corsair

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

A Little Lore at BedtimeCiochini learns of His HeritageChrysalisScreaming Shadows

Chronicles of the Witherings

Tears of SerenityThe Crying MektoubThe Stance of DaïshaMabreka

Chronicles of the New Beginning - Since 2525 (JY)  
Erlan's Chronicles

Preface to ChroniclesRevelation of TrytonThe Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesKitins Stir... Homins! Prepare!Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomed

Chronicles of Aeden Aqueous

Ardan KealeA Tryker wedding storyWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerThe Traveller returnsTryker ConstitutionLady Chiabre's Social Diary

Chronicles of the Burning Desert

Story of a Young FyrosIbian Peldix, bark SculptorDexius Apokos, Fyros GenadierMenia Pyron, engaged FyrosInterview with Lekos DaraanThe Mystery of the RenegadesMeeting with the new Senator Dios ApothepsA New Face

Chronicles of the Verdant Heights

An Interview with Cuiccio PeriniaBebi Cuirinia, royal EmbalmerViero, young married matisTo fight to exaltAutumnFoul FruitsThe TearMelario Estriano, history of a Matis

Chronicles of the Witherings

Cioi Ba-Nung, Tattooist for HominsA Zorai WeddingYi Be-Pian, Old Zoraï of the Company of the Eternal TreeUnfortunate NightEqual to AtysThe Story of Sian Gai-Lua: A Fateful HuntTribes of the Witherings and GooTeleportation Sickness

Trytonist chronicles

In The BeginningA new Seeker of EliasHiaoi, seeker of Elias

Marauders chronicles

Stabre Sicco, Marauder PrisonerThe misadventures of Arty Mac Keaggan

Chronicles linked to the Temple War

The Call from the PowersThe Dunes of AeliusForgotten PlacesWirell Aelan, Decent TrykerAnnouncement of the construction of the Karavan TempleFao the ZoraïTales of Mac KeagganIn Jena's light

Chronicles linked to Spring, when tents blossomed

Spring, when tents blossomedAnnex to Spring, when tents blossomedFor a Few Dappers More

Diverse chronicles

Out of SlaveryThe Mektoub AffairThe Memoirs of Kedgy Be'CaunyThe Legend of the Blue OcyxWhen Jena ComesA Very Special DrinkThe Circle of DarknessClandestine AttackAn Ancient ConflictBloody DuskThe Kami of the Lost SoulsThe Followers

Special chronicles

The Legend of the Ghost YuboThe Gingo Who Ate the Sun

Last version 2022-02-24•

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